If you're dreaming of being a Drupal Rock Star, you gotta get in front of people! I talk to a lot of campgoers who are intimidated by the thought of presenting a talk at a camp. They share a lot of thought distortions:
"I'm not really an expert on it."
"I don't know everything about the topic."
"I've never done one of these before."
"All of the other presenters seem so knowledgeable, and everybody knows who they are!"
"I'm afraid that if I present what I do, the audience will think I'm taking a bad approach."
"I'm nervous speaking in front of people."
Well, the last one is legit, but we'll go over some tips for that. The other reasons are all in your head! What's one cool thing you worked on this year, that you're dying to show people but the last time you tried to show someone they almost fell asleep? Show it to people who are genuinely curious and excited about what you're doing!
We'll go over selecting a topic, preparing your presentation, what to expect when you're presenting, and getting over the fear of not being a Jeff Geerling or Matt Glaman. You don't have a write a book on Drupal to give a good talk.
This session is for anybody who's thought about presenting at a Drupal Camp, but keeps not doing it. Don't be nervous – you can do it!
Jonathan (Jack) Franks
Senior software developer @ Breakthrough TechnologiesThanks today we're gonna talk about
giving your first Drupal talk so just a
little bit about Who I am I've been a
software developer for you know I guess
we're going on 30 years now
professionally I've been doing Drupal
since 2013 I work for a great company
thank you well called breakthrough
technologies where will and I have
worked together what I did this is going
out on YouTube now - and I'm primarily a
back-end developer so a lot of my talks
even are about diving into taking things
apart and building things and doing you
know plugins and code and yamo and live
demoing on the screen today is very much
not like that
you know I'm an active contributor it's
it's the it's the community here that
really keeps me going I was in dotnet
for a very long time and the switch over
to a nice more inclusive more diverse
the community than that where I can
actually do some good and contribute has
really made a big big impact on how I
view my own career and of course the
best Muppet is Pepe current Carmen is an
okay answer but Pepe is just way better
so what we're going over today is doing
your first talk really it's about not
being afraid and just doing it every
camp I go to I hear someone get excited
about something and then a bunch of us
say well you should do a talk about that
and there's a lot of hemming and hawing
and we're gonna try to stop that the
things that you have to contribute all
the ideas and things that you think are
exciting these are valuable things and
other people want to hear them so we're
gonna talk about how to share what you
know how to share this excitement how to
put your talk together you know
practicing and building the talk and
then actually doing it and what to
expect on presentation day
so the first step really is just to be
excited you know we work with some
really cool stuff and we solve some
really cool problems and we're mostly
nerds here so we've nerd out hearing
about the cool stuff that he that we all
do you know one of my favorite things
about this job is getting to be Sherlock
Holmes everyday and you get to think
well if this is doing this and this is
doing this clearly it has to be such and
such and a lot of times that is what it
is not always so we solve cool problems
all the time and that these are such
prevalent issues especially with you
know an open-source kind of a kind of a
platform that someone else is facing
this same problem we've all solved these
problems so many different ways we've
done you know on our contribution
guidelines we we even have rules around
if you are developing a module and you
want to contribute it and there's
another module that does something like
what you want talk about teaming up it's
because we're all solving the same
problems and those solutions can help
other people so share them don't be
afraid is a big a big part of this
sometimes you got to just swallow it
down and do it one of my favorite my
favorite quotes about public speaking is
from Jerry Seinfeld and he's saying
according to most studies I don't know
if I can do it the Seinfeld impression
right now people's number one fear is
public speaking number two is death
death is number two does that sound
right this means to the average person
if you go to the funeral you're better
off in the casket than doing the eulogy
so yes public speaking is a real fear
but here I mean like look at this room
we have seven people in this room it's
right but you know like you know we've
bunch of us we've given rooms and there
are toxin in huge rooms and there's 50
people and they're like at the key no
they were you know over a hundred people
in there just pick a place to look at
and talk people are there because they
want to hear not because they want to
make you feel better
usually you don't have to know you don't
have to be a complete subject matter
expert on whatever you're talking about
just have something that you're excited
about and talk about it and then you
know we have a bunch of different ways
to try out whether an idea is really
talk worthy something we do at camp so
we have these five minute lightning
talks that's a good way to you know to
give something a quick little test run
or you know like at my company we have
you know like a monthly lunch kind of a
thing where someone can put a talk
together or even if you don't have a
standardized thing like that just bring
up to your manager hey can I come do a
little presentation for our group I just
want to you know I did something cool I
want to try it out most of the time
they're gonna say yes so now you have an
idea and there was a we had a discussion
last night there's there's two ways to
come up with this idea one of them is I
just did something really cool and I
just have to tell people about it the
other way is there's something I really
kind of want to learn about so I'm gonna
do a talk about it so that I have to
figure out how this works both of those
totally legit so you put your talk
together figure out what you like in a
presentation like what were some of the
presentations that you really loved what
were your favorite ones and what did you
like about them like you know for me I
love live walkthroughs I love code
of seeing people work in stuff you know
and any anything that shows me how
people do stuff that that's what I like
so you know watching the the initial
demos on spinning up Andrew Bobby site
was really fun and you know this one was
from what a mine about building my great
process plugins I love that stuff
now when you're putting your talk
together a lot of people here like
there's big jokes about Drupal talks and
cat pictures or whatever I tell you this
is the very first non-technical picture
I've ever put in a slide so I picked
Captain Picard
but everybody loves cat pictures and
make sure your views are cached people
so most of my presentations are real
techy they're real heavy you know like I
said a lot of code walkthroughs and and
live demo live coding this is this is
the least technical talk that I've
probably done in 10 years so now you've
got to talk together you have some funny
funny cat pictures you want to put in
there and now we're gonna start
preparing our talk so some of the things
to do is make sure you practice it over
and over and over again practice it I
remember when I did my first talk more
than once it was will here who told me
like we really say that you don't really
own your talk until you've done it three
or four times and that is totally true
so practice it do it by yourself the
first couple of times especially if
you're embarrassed
even for this one I sat at my desk sort
of sub vocalizing people with a timer
you know practice in front of real
people practice in front of as many
different people as you can and record
yourself this is this is important what
we'll get to this a little bit later one
of the things that that people do a lot
is they speak too fast or they do a lot
of Oz and pausing you just listen to
yourself talk get a good rhythm going
make sure that you're practiced and
confident in what you're trying to say
and then just talk when you have live
demos or you know any sort of demo just
practice those over and over at your
talk should never be the first time that
you're trying something we've seen this
and it doesn't go well and when you get
feedback improve your presentation
incrementally yeah just like software
development this is the little
incremental spiral if you get some
feedback and then you go and you change
everything let feedbacks not really
valid anymore because it's not the same
talk that was just critique so on the
don't list don't put off writing your
presentation until the day before again
this is something that a lot of us have
done I was thinking I love your story
and I tell it a lot we were at a Drupal
meetup group there was a talk about it
was putting together views fields
handlers and the the talker was saying
just ignore all the commits times on
these because they were all 30 seconds
before he got up so for your first talk
anyway don't put it in you know don't
put it off write it well ahead of time
write all of your code well ahead of
time get them up on github so that
people can download them get your slides
up do all of this well ahead of time the
end this should never be the first time
that your show
anything and again between between
presentations between iterations here
don't radically change them just small
steps of improvement so on practicing
it's really just doing it over and over
and over again which sounds tedious but
it's really fun it gets you really more
excited about it so you practice
practice some more you know test it out
in front of somebody and you know this
is a good point here by the time the
camp starts you're gonna be a little bit
sick of talking about what you're
talking about but super jazzed and
pumped and ready to go
but you'll be okay and you'll be ready
everything will be good now about
presenting remember to slow down you're
not giving the APR at the end of a bank
commercial you're just talking you're
trying to impart some information that
means people have to understand what it
what you're trying to say so you're
gonna be talking a lot faster than you
think you are just remember deliberately
slow down when you think you're talking
just a little bit too slow that's
probably just the right amount also
remember not to just pull it through yo
don't just rush through everything even
if you're speaking slowly don't just
rush through everything you have to
pause a little bit so that everyone can
really process what you're saying
also be a dynamic speaker you know vary
your tone
don't just drone on get a faster slowed
oh just drone on one of my great Star
Trek quote here so yeah I think my first
me me posts and I did to Captain
Picard's they just kept talk it one
incredibly unbroken sentence moving from
topic to topic so that no one had a
chance to interrupt it was really quite
don't do that you know be excited people
can tell when you're excited about stuff
so talk about it you know I don't want
to you know go all cliche like really
you know talk about it from your heart
but you're up here because you have
something you want to share yeah they
have to kind of just assume that people
want to hear it
so you know be excited about it don't
don't make it look like the back of a
Shania Twain record where every track
ends with an exclamation point
yeah there your toe Bheema don't be
monotonous make sure that you're not
talking too fast don't do that
just talk like a real person make sure
that your stuff is sized appropriately
like if you're showing code which again
I do a lot you got to make sure that
it's big enough for the for the entire
room to see this top the top example
here is it's just loading up phpstorm
and putting it on the projector this is
a small room but in big rooms that is
genuinely hard to see so you know zoom
it up at least 175 percent or I think
for this I bump it up to 32 point type
and that way everyone can see it when
you're doing code I use phpstorm is by
primarily by primary dev environment so
phpstorm has a nice presentation mode
and remember the keyboard shortcuts for
this because fumbling around with a
mouse you know that's a it's a pain
that's not fun for anyone to watch if it
doesn't have keyboard shortcuts make
them because everything is all
configurable the OBS code does this you
know phpstorm does it make sure you know
navigate through whatever it is that
you're that you're definitely have all
of your code and stuff open before you
start you know when you're when you're
trying to demo something and you're like
okay wait a minute
I need to go over here and find this
class oh no it's not that's not the
right one this is this one here it is
nobody wants to watch that have the
stuff open have all of your tabs open
you know have them organized in in a
reasonable pattern so that you know how
to quickly navigate from you know from
one sample to the next also make sure
that you are really describing and
narrating through navigating through
those samples you know it gets really
confusing when you just have a bunch of
code windows up or a bunch of terminal
windows up or browsers with different
websites in them and you're just
flipping around and scrolling and moving
from thing to thing make sure that
you're narrating through what it is that
you're doing so that all of your
audience can follow along now we say the
word practice a lot if you have live
demos practice them do them practice
them train yourself on them and time
them you know there's stuff that is that
is really just very slow to run here
like and I saw a presentation where
somebody was talking about you know cool
custom wrap parameters and and you know
different integration services and
custom access checkers but between every
change that you make you have to clear
the cache in order for the RAF's to
rebuild so in every change we're waiting
for like three minutes every time you
know know know what you're you know what
you're doing know what you're gonna make
people watch and if something breaks
know how to get around it because
chances are something is gonna break you
could have done it a thousand times you
know just before you're about to present
you might forget something like clearing
out the data that you're importing to
demo you know things happen make sure
you know how to recover
and if something is taking too long like
those you know like the cash clears and
whatever think about recording what it
is that you're trying to demo and play
it back at an increased speed that it
takes the liveness out of it it also
means that nothing will break in front
of people but mostly it's just so that
you know no one's sitting there checking
their watch like the I want to just
watch it blinking cursor so again you
can do this don't don't give yourself
excuses don't tell yourself that you
can't you can do it the reason that I'm
even doing this is because literally
every camp that I know to someone is
really excited they're like I just I did
something really cool and let me just
show you and and it is cool sometimes
it's not whatever but it's cool to them
like we should do a talk on that well I
mean I'm not an expert on it it doesn't
matter you have done something well I
mean it but everyone else up there like
you guys are all so knowledgeable like
yes but so are you like you have done
something you can do it and then you
know what if what if people don't like
my solution well if you're lucky they
will say something nicely and then by
the time your talk is over you will have
learned an even better way to do it so
don't be afraid of that either you know
I'm not a Mac laws and I'm not a Jeff
Gillingham it doesn't yeah that doesn't
just talk because you know I've talked
it what 12 camps and you know whatever I
there was a time I hadn't either
just get up in front of people and start
talking but the thing to remember is
that you're excited about doing
something or solving something and
whatever you did has potential to help
somebody else
so mostly it's just doing it and I'm not
gonna put a Nike swoosh or anything up
in there it's really it's really just
doing it
now for the actual process you've
decided on the talk you've talked
yourself up into doing it you're really
gonna do it so now we have to submit it
so number one check the submission dates
for whatever it is that you are
submitting to like for DrupalCon this
year I actually missed those dates
because I just I thought there I put it
in my calendar wrong I thought it was
something else and I missed it so check
the dates make sure you set up a
reminder and submit it on time also make
absolutely sure that you follow the
rules behind your submission if they're
asking you for you know a link to a blog
post about what you're talking about
make sure you put it in if it's got to
have you know slides beforehand do it
the the easiest way to get your your
submission disqualified is not it was by
not giving the the organizers what it is
that they want don't be afraid to submit
multiple topics you know I submitted
even for mid camp three or four five
different things and two of them got
picked and then like it's okay if your
talk doesn't get picked there's there's
all kinds of reasons why that could be
you know I mean it could be something as
simple as we you know the past several
camps have all had a talk on the subject
that you're doing or you know maybe it
is that like some rock star speaker is
also presenting also submitted something
on that topic and that's the one they
decided to pick it's okay don't worry
about it
you know if most of the time you won't
get any feedback as to why they didn't
pick you're in your talk so try a
different camp try the camp again next
year you know try a different topic it's
fine this is a very welcoming group we
like new stalkers we like new speakers
so if your talk don't get picked don't
give up
so let's talk about what happens the day
of so before you start your talk
remember that you know there is a vet
staff and they're here to help they'll
help you get your computer plugged in
and you know in through the recording
you know making sure that you're on time
and you know that your time is being
monitored and you know that you have
water all this kind of stuff like I just
got a flag that I have 10 minutes left
so the staff is here to help let them
like you know and I've seen people get
up on the podium and they plug in their
laptop and the you know an event staff
volunteer comes over to explain some
recording thing and they're like yeah I
don't do that because maybe maybe
there's been a change this year like
I've seen someone do that brush them on
the side yeah I know what I'm talking
and then it comes time for their their
talk and the recorder doesn't work all
you had to do was listen to your helper
so get to your room before the talk
before you was over this lets you kind
of scope it out make sure that you're
all ready and then when they're done
connect so again plug in connect to the
recording device know how to work it
again someone will explain this to you
and then to get your own self ready make
sure you go to the bathroom before you
start you don't want to be you know all
distracted like you know just make sure
you have water handy become be in a
state where you're not where you're not
putting yourself in a don't again don't
self-sabotage so drink water before your
talk don't do soda because you don't
want to be one of those people that it
was just I could through a burp or
something like that you know just keep
don't do anything that's going to
sabotage your voice that's what people
are gonna listen to the same thing with
you know something real dairy and creamy
like that's gonna thicken up your voice
alcohol people will think alright I'll
just have a drink that'll move over
I'll be able to give my talk I won't be
nervous just don't don't do that make
sure to you know lube up your lips
before you start keep an eye on your
time make sure to put your computer into
do not disturb mode I don't know how
many times we've you know been watching
a talker on the YouTube channel after
the camp is over and you see somebody's
email notification pop up okay well you
know now I know what they're what
they're up to
just you know you don't want any slack
messages coming up no emails messages
anything just you know shut everything
down and going to do that disturb mode
close every app and browser tab that
aren't related to what it is that you're
actually talking about again we've we've
all seen talks where someone's showing
something like you know here's how to
set up spin up a new mommy site and then
here's what you can do with it and
they've got a gmail tab over there I
mean let's just focus on what we're
doing make sure that your your computer
battery is charged or plug in I'd
suggest plugging in and then make sure
that you are concentrating on what
you're talking about speak clearly
enunciate make sure everyone can
understand you and again slow down don't
rush through it even after you get the
the ten minutes left side you're
thinking okay oh boy I still got nine
slides to go through I better speed up
slow down just calm down so
then once you've given your presentation
usually you'll have a time for Q&A
the first thing always make sure that
you repeat the questions so that the
recorder can pick them up because even
in a room this size of someone in the
back of the room asks a question that
microphones not going to get them so
make sure you repeat the question answer
the questions to the best of your
ability and if you can't that's okay
say you don't know say you'll check you
know if you have if you have your slides
up or a link to get up with your code or
whatever it is
feel free to update them afterwards and
you know keep in touch with people for
answers like that and and then again
sometimes you'll get the you know what
if my solution is not the best way
that's okay somebody suggest something
for you listen this could improve your
your work it could improve your next
and and again most of the time most of
the time people are not just trying to
fault find their they're trying to help
and that's about it
so any any questions or anything from
you guys we got usually my talks are
fairly technical so I always think a few
minutes at the end for for questions but
this one is more or less into planetory
what made you first start speaking at
MIT campus about what does he do like
how did you go from walking have
something to talk about to being that
so what was it that inspired me to start
talking at Kemps I am a testing
test-driven development and behavioral
test evangelist my covenant any of my
companies and you know going back five
six years there-there was B hat support
for a Drupal but not a lot of people who
are using it it was still kind of
underground and you know the Drupal 6
and 7 they were they were difficult to
unit test especially in a way that I was
used to coming from such a you know
regimented net multi tier sort of
application structure where you know I
will write an end unit test for this and
then I'll write out the code that does
it and then before I deploy I run my
whole suite and whatever for Drupal
seven anyway like that's a it's a major
pain so here's the hack and it's this
cool thing where you can have almost
natural language you know the steps for
how to do that testing and I I heard
about this I started plugging this stuff
in and getting all my stuff tested and
yeah and like this this is I think this
is amazing I have to share this with
everybody everybody should be testing
because it makes all of our jobs easier
it's something that I was extremely
passionate about very into and and the
something that I have championed on
every team that I've ever belonged to so
it was a natural fit like there's just
that no one is talking about this and we
should be
sure yeah I think one of the points that
I always find a struggle with this part
of this like the mind reading of the
audience if you will what they're
thinking with you know whenever you
present like is this like a good
presentation what have you I think the
points 80% I think are really helpful to
try to you know not get into that kind
of thinking a little bit but did I
forget those can be seen exactly but I
was just curious a little bit about I
don't know if you had experiences with
just you know the drupal kind of Q&A
periods it's just like I always had no
wonder just like what the feeling or the
mood is like what you finally present
like I was your support the middle bit
earlier academia is like really intense
with the Q&A period moment what is your
experience so what the QA is like after
during your presentation for the most
part it's curiosity it's it's friendly
it's you know I've been thinking about
doing something like this but my case is
a little bit different how would I do
this for what I need to do and you know
then maybe it's not that different maybe
it'll still work I don't know let's go
look after the talk
it is not academia it's not that hard
and heavy like all of us work where this
is a voluntary thing we're here because
we want to be for the most part the
talks we pick these are the ones that we
want to see you know we're not we're not
going to heckle we're not going on some
sort of you know on a dissertation
review board because we have to be there
it's not bad
you know you're not being your talks not
being judged like you're not losing
points for you know I mean don't have
typos on your slides but yeah but most
of the time it's it's friendly I haven't
had I don't think in all this time I've
had a question ask her who was really
deliberately hostile it's people want to
know more about it or you know there's a
tough there's a some slide some idea
that I a little bit glossed over because
I don't think it's important but that is
exactly what you came here to see you
know someone's gonna ask about that all