When building sites, customers expect the site to be optimized for search engines. The good news is that Drupal is very friendly to search engines out of the box. There are a number of modules, tools and best practices that we use on every site we build. In this session, I will talk about modules and settings you can implement while building your site to make search engine optimization even better. These tools will also give site administrators the tools they want to do all their SEO tweaking without modifying templates and needing FTP access, if possible.
I am not a search engine optimization expert. This is not an advanced SEO tips and tricks session. I do know the basics that Drupal site builders should know in order to serve their clients by building the site in search-engine-friendly way and will work to show you that information. I also regularly work with our internet marketing department to implement solutions, so we will talk about those as well.
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
- Overview of modules that should be used in best practices in Search Engine Optimization
- Details on setting up useful URL Aliases and Redirects
- How to build a sitemap and submit it to sites
- Giving site administrators access to set page titles and meta tags
Dan Ficker
Staff Customer Success Engineer @ PantheonDan Ficker has been building websites since 1997, when he wanted to tell the world which rock bands he was a fan of. Since then, he has helped build hundreds of websites, most of them using the PHP programming language. He went to college, learned more about development in Java and Oracle, but still builds websites, these days most often using the Drupal or WordPress content management systems built on top of PHP. In the past 17+ years of professional development, he has built and worked on the PHP code, MySQL queries, HTML output, and performance of hundreds of websites. Dan still gets excited when a band he's a fan of comes to town and enjoys learning about other areas of technology.

all right welcome my name is Dan thicker
and this is building SEO friendly sites
with Drupal and just get started here I
think well first I guess about me
sometimes we're shirts in the office I
guess but yeah I've been a computer geek
for like yes it is yes I the red light
means anyway let's see yeah no I mean
I've been a computer programmer for
thirteen some years and work at an
agency in the Twin Cities Minnesota when
you have to st. Paul called August - and
actually remember if anybody wants
afterwards I've got some Twin Cities
Drupal camp stickers here we can if
anybody wants them we can pass them out
or puts a Drupal campus this June but
the company I work at August ash we do
website design develop marketing and we
do have a kind of yeah okay we'll just
go with what is SEO and SEO stands for
search engine optimization you probably
didn't do that but in case you didn't
that's what we got
yeah the process of making it website
being a better understood by search
engines or optimized for search engines
search engines are kind of you know
basically some computers on the internet
that read your website and keep
information about it so that when
somebody want comes along say the most
well-known search engine engine is
Google of course there's also being and
probably I think DuckDuckGo is another
there used to be a lot more of them do
but and what I what I think most people
are talking about when they say SEO or
internet marketing is really kind of a
team of people and this is what we have
in August - - it's two people who do a
lot of research on like best keywords to
kind of use on your website for various
you know I for various things and and
you know kind of setting kind of goals
Dwayne was talking but earlier today
like in his talk talking about goals
that you want you know to make your
website profitable or you know to meet
certain goals - with the functionality
your website and so our internet
marketing department definitely does a
lot of that but what I ended up doing as
a developer what did our marketing team
is really when they say hey we want if
we want to get to at doing X putting
these meta tags or changing the page
titles how can we do that and that's
what we're really going to talk about
today is how some tools that Drupal
provides as well as some Drupal modules
and other things that can help us make
those changes for the internet marketing
or SEO team another thing I see pretty
often is sometimes our clients you know
use a different company than us for
internet marketing or SEO and often the
first thing we'll get from them is our
SEO people say we want an FTP login to
the site and for the most part we say
we'd rather not if you don't have enough
you use the FTP login or you know FTP is
not even that secure so don't don't
probably don't do that but generally we
will try to give them some sort of tools
so that they can even just log into the
website and change some stuff they don't
have to muck about in learning how
Troopa works to some extent don't have
to worry about Drupal templates and that
type of thing
so that's kind of our goal today just
talking about various areas that we can
help internet marketing or SEO teams
with improving the content on your site
for search engines and these are this is
kind of the six different areas I'm
gonna talk about today so we'll just
jump right in domains
that's my vanity domain dan the man or
something like that
anyway the first thing I talk about is a
lot of websites have more than one
domain you can access the website on
maybe and what we really want to do so I
got a couple of them to go should go to
Daniel thicker calm or demand met for
some reason those those will all get you
to my website if depending on the server
configuration is set up you could
actually like the server could actually
respond to each of those in such a way
that each each of them looks like a
separate website that has the exact same
content and what we so would really
rather do is not have that situation and
so it would rather do is just configure
the search engines in search engines can
be confused and say this you know is
three different websites with the same
content and will decide that one of them
is important for next pages and one of
them is important for other pages it
just things can get confused so what we
recommend to probably do is redirect
domain one of the all of the domains
except for one to the main an exist the
example I've mentioned there too you
know my website go to Daniel thicker
calm it'll just lead your wreck too
daamn calm and it actually well it had
some problems right now because of HTTP
HTTPS and certificates but the way you
can do that is configuration on your
apache or nginx or whatever your web
server is serving husband hosting
providers will have different ways you
can do that
triple does have an HT Access file for a
that will kind of give me some just
actually there's some stuff already in
there that says just comment this out if
you are uncomment this and then and then
it will just do it for you
so that's one thing that's good a good
idea to do make sure you have all your
domains redirecting to one domain so
that surgeon does know this domain is
the main one the or something
like that
and not it's one of the you get demands
for a lot of different reasons it's
either an old brand name of the company
or you know some sort of a marketing
campaign an alternate spelling of the
brand or something like that and so this
is one way to make sure the search
engines do not get confused with domains
and the next big section we're gonna
talk about its URLs URLs are a major
part of a website they're kind of like
the file system of the website URLs can
kind of look like well almost anything I
mean probably remember some days or
websites where you've seen where you
know the URL is sometimes well first of
all in URLs we have a domain and then a
the path and the path is what we're
really talking about here when we're
talking about URLs is the path internal
to your website I'm just thinking about
like yet in the 80 to 90 is kind of
these enterprise CMS systems the URLs
were mostly just like a bunches of
hashes of random letters and numbers and
you're like what does that all mean and
apparently it's some sort of database ie
it's somewhere thankfully Drupal doesn't
want a better job of handling those URLs
than that but yeah it's the domain part
of the URL redirect you to the server
thereof directs you to that server and
the path is kind of says here's where a
file is Drupal doesn't actually have the
files stored in that spot on the server
but it translates itself into saying
I see with father looking for and you
know generating that file basically with
an HTML page this is the part where I'd
like to plead for URLs paths of pages
making some sense so we'll talk about a
second by default Drupal just you know
actually the path by default is usually
just a node slash something which is not
really that pretty of a title and that's
where your SEO teams may say hey we want
the URL to look prettier than that we
want to have certain keywords in it and
we'll let them do that but first of all
I just want to say yeah URLs should
should be organized in some intelligent
way if you have a hierarchy of content
if you have kind of sections to your
website like that should be reflected in
what the URLs look like convey a
hierarchy meaning I like to say they
should be hackable which would by which
I mean for example here if you have you
know I'm I or I'm a website blog / 27 /
you know it probably would make sense if
it's a blog post called sample posts
from October 2017 for some reason and I
also think if you're gonna have those
slashes - doesn't make like kind of
folder structure within your site that
if you go to blog slash 2017 or blog
slash 20 17/10 you should actually be
the page there that actually includes
information related to blog posts in
that can be a little extra work
sometimes but if you're gonna have the
kind of folder structure like somebody
will try to just see like is there
anything at this page and it would be
nice if there is a thing on there even
if there's not in your
Lync on your menu were those types of
things yeah another thing that has to do
with both domains and URLs is robots.txt
I believe there's one in yeah there it's
a robusta txt included within Drupal I
believe but a you know it basically
tells these search engines here's what
we do or do not want you to look at and
and you know by default there's a couple
like Drupal doesn't if if there was
anything in the mid section that was
public like Drupal or your search
engines don't need to know what is in
there they don't need to index it they
don't need to look through it so maybe
you know people something in there that
says don't look at it mint pages yeah
yeah it'll box the admin pages and some
other kind of you know things that are
just kind of internal to drupal's
backing system you know but you won't
obviously want all your content in there
sometimes I've seen some weird things
where maybe a view is not exactly set up
correctly and there's kind of like an
infinite possibilities of you know URL
arguments or something like that and
I've found like search engines kind of
eating up the traffic on our website you
know indexing hundreds of thousands of
variations on these pages generally
that's something we should also probably
fix in the view but you could also use
the robots.txt file will say just don't
even bother trying to index all these
pages because they're not going to be
helpful for you that's what the robot
that chief teeth thing is for also I
just mentioned on staging sites you
could use just disallow everything if
you have a test or staging site where
you don't want this copy of the website
to be indexed by searching into these
engines the one caveat to that is make
sure it never ever ever gets to your
live web site because if it does then
the search engines are gonna be like
okay we're done we're leaving so and
then your clients are going to be not
very happy when they say
is no one looking at her website first
with URLs here we'll keep going and by
default like I said Drupal drupal's
internal URL structure is just node
slash node ID as a number that's
assigned to the piece of content not
very pretty not very nice so what is
built into Drupal is the URL alias
module or yeah blue bit the module
anyway it's burned up there by default
you turned each installed Drupal and
right there you can put whatever you
want in for the URL and usually to just
pick something slash about - us or
whatever you want to call it and that
can work for some people but we're gonna
look at another couple options here
there's a module called path Auto which
basically gives you a lot more tools for
handling what those URL aliases are it
requires the token module because it
uses these kind of little pieces of
these little bracketed keywords to call
tokens and by default it basically says
for all pieces of content instead of not
giving the URL alias always give it a
URL alias that starts with content slash
and then the an alien URL version of the
title it kind of filters out the spaces
and some funky characters and replace
the spaces with dashes and things so
that it's kind of a URL safe version of
your page title and that's by default
for all content types and it does
something similar for users and nodes if
you turn it every users and taxonomy
terms and that type of thing
but it also can be configured to - a lot
of different options now under the URL
aliases section of the admin there's a
whole section called patterns I believe
yes call patterns and basically you can
say for each content type I'd rather you
know for blog post let's have it start
with slash blog and then slash 20 tens
lat or you know like the years of the
blog posts the day of the blog post
slash then the title of the blog post
you could even do some things where you
know like make if you are pretty sure
that everything in this content type is
going to have a menu item you can
actually say you know the parent menu
items current path and then the title
and so then you kind of actually do get
this kind of menu based hierarchy built
into the site that can break down if
you're for some reason those posts don't
actually have a menu item then it
probably doesn't make much sense but so
there's there's some things to keep in
mind there but it is a lot of
configuration within pathauto and it was
just kind of you set up these little
patterns that say for this content type
make the URL look like this and for this
other content type make it look like
and then just by default when anyone
creates content you get a pretty nice
clean URL that will work for most cases
and in the admin under URL illnesses
there's an option if you by default it
just checks to you know use this use the
automatically generated one and if you
keep that on it uses therefore that page
if you check it uncheck the box you can
then set you know a specific one that
you can override the default
another great what module we recommend
to use with Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 sites
to both please apply for mostly ever
both sites is a redirect module the
redirect module basically allows you to
kind of well so we talked about you know
the internal Drupal path node slash node
ID and then there's also the URL alias
the redirect is is something that just
points to the alias of the of the page
so if you have let's see there's a
couple things maybe you want you know a
nice customized short URL for this page
you have an event coming up and it's
called splash or something then play
about summer already or something um but
then you can basically say hey I want
anybody who types in my domain calm
slash slash splash to get redirected to
this page which might be a little bit
longer URL like splash event
of the page and that's completely rel
and you might use that because then you
don't have to write out on a poster or
something like go to my domain comm / /
- event - 2018 this comité event that
comes to the splash and that's that's
kind of one one use of the redirect but
we'll talk about a couple more here -
when yeah the other thing was right here
actually so when a page title changes it
actually does update well I mean any a
part of that pattern that we're talking
about in the path auto module effect
part changes then it makes a new URL
without the redirect module anybody who
tries to go to the old URL will get a
page not found error and nobody likes a
page not found error so the redirect
module basically as soon as you install
it and turn it on it says oh I know
where this this is supposed to go it it
there's no page here anymore but if you
or to this new URL that's where it'll go
that automatically redirects all your
visitors to that from the old URL to the
new URL and then yeah in the admin of
that you like I said you could set your
own you redirects on the page it does a
couple more things to ya like I said it
went x1 it's change yet you can add your
own custom redirects for any reason you
want and then it also tries to if it
notices sometimes you change the title
of a page when you change it back and so
in the past there's been some issues
where it doesn't realize like it's
looping infinitely in redirect land and
then you're visiting never get to your
page in it now to try to detect those
and make sure that make sure that you
know it dynamically kind of shuts off
any redirects that are causing looping
issues there are some cases where if
you're living between two URLs still you
know two redirects then you can still
have an issue but hopefully that doesn't
happen automatically very often this is
another Drupal 7 module called global
redirect and this is also kind of like
we were talking about with domains
really about standardizing URLs Drupal
is pretty forgiving about URLs there's a
lot there's actually a couple of
different URLs paths you could put into
a website to get the same piece of
content and yeah in Drupal 8 most of
these features are included in the
redirect module itself so you don't need
to install an extra module but in Drupal
include on your website um let's see
yeah so here's my little example you
know the main page URL is just about a
schmee or something like that but it
also actually could be accessible at any
one of these other URLs like notes slash
one about - maybe with a slash on the
end or question mark Q equals about me
or index dot PHP Q equals node slash one
the last couple especially are some
weird if you see mostly those URLs at
the end it's probably either because
you're trying to trick people into doing
something silly or your web server is
configured incorrectly because the -
that question mark you thing actually
does something but it is kind of
Drupal's internal language but it
shouldn't actually be showing up for
users but what the globe will redirect
module basically does this takes all of
those last four and just automatically
redirects them up to the main path most
likely search engines are pretty good at
deciding this you know these URLs are
showing them pretty much the same
content they're probably the same thing
but it's nice to have you know a
redirect that said that enforces that as
and that's all we have about URLs but we
have a couple more tools we're going to
talk about and the first one is XML
sitemaps this is kind of XML sitemap of
my site which is just a bunch of blog
posts really it doesn't look this pretty
actually this is a style sheet on top of
the XML XML of course it's just kind of
like HTML code it's just a lot of you
know braces and brackets and things and
and URLs it but I include some
interesting information basically about
the URL when I was last updated and this
is another tool that search engines like
to have or it can be helpful to give to
search engines but the I think the
reason I recommend that sitemap is
because it's not it's not something that
visitors look at really but it's
basically the XML sitemap module
basically there's a couple other modules
- money that's an XML sitemap basically
just creates and keeps a running list of
all the content on your website and then
it's search engines if they come with
cross new content and I think it's
interesting will index it but you first
instead you give them a whole list and
say here's all the stuff I'm interested
in you've indexing and so then they can
probably see it faster and get it
included in their index faster so yeah
it's just a list of all the pages it
includes some information about when
they're updated and how often they may
be updated you can include with the XML
sitemap module a little bit of you know
content items menu items user pages if
there's something interesting on them
taxonomy term pages and there's an
opportunity going with with the module
to submit automatically the information
to Bing or
well Google and Bing generally you have
you know I you are l that you can say
hey I've got an exciting map here's the
five so there are a couple other ways to
do that and we'll talk about those I I
guess what I would say to with XML
sitemap the Drupal 8 it's still kind of
an early alpha beta version of the
module and it the administration
interface definitely is not working
perfectly yet it can be a little
confusing to configure it as well as I
find you have to kind of use there's a
link in there to rebuild the sitemap at
least once
after you configure what you have to do
is go into each content type and say yes
I want to include this in my sitemap and
then after that generally a rebuild the
list because otherwise it kind of just
includes the homepage in the list is
what I found so hopefully that's helpful
in getting it working but the other
thing we can do with sitemaps is
especially for google google is by far
the biggest search engine but the google
search console is it it's actually
they're doing a new design which looks
even more exciting this but it looks
kind of more like the new version of
Google Analytics in the Google search
console is that slash
webmasters and all you need to do is
kind of verify that you are the owner or
manager of that site there's a couple
ways you can do that and they walk you
through it pretty quickly if you have
Google Analytics order consent DNS
records or set a file on the server you
can verify this site and through there
you can actually manually submit your
google site maps where your XML sitemaps
and if you want to it
well when after you submit that you get
actually information like Google could
tell you some information like hey it
says I should include this page but this
page is actually blocked by the
robots.txt file or
I can't access that page because
actually it gives me a 500 error or a
at that occasionally Google well once
you created you have to log in with a
Google account once you yes
log in with webmaster search console and
once you have that to that Google can
actually contact you email you and say
hey we noticed your website has malware
on it or something's really weird errors
are happening any website so it could be
nice to get that information as well
Google once you verify your site with
search console Google actually knows hey
this is somebody I can actually reach
out to to say hey I'm noticing weird
things on your website so that can
occasionally happen - there's even a way
in there - if you if they do detect
malware or something and start you know
and they detect something's wrong with
your site and they start penalizing you
and down indexing you can reach out to
them through that - and say hey I fixed
everything could you please let me back
in now and that can be helpful as well
let's see a couple more things to go
here I'm running through this pretty
quick okay
meta tags are another important part of
your website and most of this stuff is
just data that the search engines can
look at first of all we have the page
title the page title is pretty
self-explanatory but within each piece
of content here or a piece of content
you have a title but the title is not
necessarily the page title the page
title is actually the title tag that is
shown at the top of the page it usually
shows up as the name of the tab with a
window in your browser and by default in
Drupal when you eligible there's a site
name you set up words you could change
its website information page in the
admin but by default every pages page
title is the content title the title of
the node or whatever you're looking at
the view or something and then and then
the title of the site and that's the
default Drupal 7 Drupal 8 configuration
and this is a pretty pretty useful
default because it kind of reinforces
the you know h1 content of your page and
your page title or not have the same
title the same keywords and if you have
the name of your site in there too and
the page title and that's those are
usually some of the most important key
words on the page anyway but again we
can use some tools to make that even
better and the might wonder to talk
about is called meta tag and the meta
tag module will do even more for setting
page titles as well as some other
information again it uses the token
module to kind of use those code
bracketed keywords that have to do with
your website and like the like the path
Auto module that we talked about earlier
in the token system and uses you can
basically for each content type taxonomy
turn page user profile page you can set
kind of a default like let's see that
yeah for the page title should be this
there's other meta tag tags called like
descriptions or keywords and it sets
basically pretty sensible defaults most
pieces of content will have like a body
field and so it actually uses the
summary of the body field as the
description of the content so what and
there's also a link another tag of the
canonical URL which actually will always
put in the URL alias for that page as a
meditative by default too so that kind
of also reinforces that we say this is
the URL that you're supposed to use for
this page and but yeah there's a lot of
different things the meta tag module can
do it's a lot of little HTML code that
goes in the top of your page but you can
also customize the page title
description the keywords any of these
really through a little I mean screen
we'll talk about here and you can set
per content type again like use this
kind of patterning for this content use
different hide for like it's the content
and there's even some meta tags that
have to do with search engines don't
Index this page there's even a couple
more meta tag sub modules for what they
call Open Graph which is the use for
like Twitter and Facebook card things
like when you share a link just pops up
a little card with an image and and a
title I'll get the page a little
description maybe so there are some
options in there too that you can say
hey I just want you know when somebody
shares a link of Twitter and Facebook
that looks up looks a little fancier and
that just adds those meta tags you can
customize it
yeah and then here's the example of just
kind of when you talk to all the meta
tag module like I said you can on the
content type page say here's the
defaults for that kind of pin type right
I'm at a given page but when you're
editing a page you'll actually see -
like here's the pattern we're going to
use by default if you don't modify it
but on any page you can in this little
vertical tab here at the bottom you can
say actually I don't want to use the
default body field for the description
I'd rather write my own description or
I'd rather write my own page title and
if you know your internet marketing
department or whoever is that into the
content it's really interested that much
and setting not they're not using the
default end setting it whatever they
like they can actually do that way to
the administration interface or the way
of the website so there's a lot of
options there another one that I found
just recently that I think is pretty
interesting is called real-time SEO and
it actually uses a plugin that is pretty
popular in them in the WordPress world
it's like Yoast SEO plug-in and it
actually uses any host API and gives it
a bunch of information about here's what
you know the page meta tags and
descriptions and things looks like and
it actually it actually then gives you
something what a little picture of like
what it probably will look like in
Google or Bing and also some information
things like um and also some information
about like you can make actually bit
can you put it you can even put it as a
keyword that you want to rank pretty
well on but it would also say you know
hey your page title could be longer and
you could put more keywords in there so
give me some some tech tips and secrets
I don't know what secrets these tips but
give you some ideas how to improve the
content of your page for search engines
if you're trying to get into it two
words are taking keywords for Medicare
well yeah I think it's looking at kind
of a lot of the same things that the
search engines do look at it's kind of
the meta tags and stuff Google's looking
at America what's going to key word
Medicare yeah I mean well I think the
top you can say you can say a focus
keyword is kind of you know I'm looking
at you know how old was this keyword
ranked but it does look through you know
the content of the page what's on the
h1s and h2s and I believe some of that
other stuff to try to see it at least
give you some tips that might be helpful
and I haven't used it too much on most
of our sites I'd say but I think for
someone who is interested in writing
more SEO friendly content it could be
could be helpful you know it's like a
lot of these ins I don't know I I think
there is a certain amount of like within
Drupal like I'm giving a lot of ideas up
here's money modules you should involve
and I think most of these you should
install this one is maybe more like it
could be helpful for you it might not be
helpful and there's a certain point
within Drupal to that kind of every
every module you add makes you a mess
it-- milliseconds slower or maybe even
more than that and so you know you don't
want to have 500 modules on your website
you know if this is important to you to
have a really good SEO and that your
content editors are really looking at
what they can do to improve SEO this
might be the type of tool that helpful
um another up-and-coming area is called
RDF or and this is kind of
like hidden metadata in the page like
meta tags that can that it a little bit
more contextual Drupal Drupal core does
have an RDF module I'm actually not even
sure if it's actually turned on
automatically but I believe it is but
RDF is an open standard and it with the
w3c and basically it's um it's it's some
extra little attribute tags within the
pages div spans and other things that
say you know this is a certain kind of
data I know like when you turn the
already have module the like author
information and be posted by information
will have a version of it that's kind of
a fairy the posted by it usually just
says like you know date posted and it is
a date format that's whatever you set
and this will actually include like a
very standard date format within the
like metadata of the page that you can't
actually see but search engines and
other robots that search on the internet
could use this data find some more
information I know but if you actually
use the address field module it will
also you know include the whole address
information it will say this section
here you know it is a this section here
is the address part the section of the
city and this is the state this
zip code or country name that kind of
thing so that's where RDF can become
pretty helpful
I don't think let's the Drupal seventh
rdf does not do come that really helps
in my opinion your blade i think has a
lot more built into it we'll talk about
that here too is kind of an
extension of rdf it's also you could you
do a couple different standards like
json-ld or some other different types of
like including by the data in your page
but for drupal seven the schema word
module basically extends the RDF type
system by adding in the content admin
area you could say this is this piece of
content is you know it's a job listing
or it's a location of a place or you
know it's the location of the store or
something like that and then even for
the subfields you can actually say like
this this field is you know like if you
did do a job listing or something you
could say like this field is like what
kind of pay if it's gonna be full-time
or part-time weren't that type of thing
and this is a new one actually their
clients have been asking about a bunch
because like google recently said hey if
you love this human other information on
job listings then you know once people
search for drive listings will actually
not even go to your website but just
show like here's a bunch of down
listings on a google page or something
like that and it's one way to kind of
you know not just say here's a page that
has some interesting content like here's
a piece of a page that has even more
specific content that you can do kind of
whatever you want with and it can be
nice maybe I don't know it people may
not be going to your website as much to
view this information but maybe they're
more easily finding the information that
they're looking for if if they are not
looking for your information
um let's see yeah I think yeah much of
the information is included
in Drupal 8 we can want to configure it
a little bit more intraplate looks like
there's this RDF UI module that will
allow you to kind of in the UI again I
think that's some more of those type of
information and field information this
is not an area that I've looked at a ton
but it's I think it's a very interesting
place to look in the future and I think
more and more internet marketing groups
and SEO people may be looking at it so
let's necklace a bow back but the last
section I'm going to look at here it's
really talking about tracking scrapes so
that's actually just a boring graph from
my Google Analytics page but but what
I'm really talking about here is
internet marketing folks especially if
they're working with an advertising
company or you if you're sometimes even
though I know some of our clients are
even doing like paid at area like radio
ads or TV ads and the ad companies bill
even says or ads in the paper or
something and the tea and they act like
we want you to stick this piece of
JavaScript on all your pages or one of
the pages in order for us to track some
more information I don't even know how
it works exactly but this is maybe some
ways you can help them do that first I
mentioned Google Analytics is a free
analytics tool provided by Google and
basically you install this little piece
of code on your page and basically
Google just gets a lot of information
about who's visiting your web page and
put some nice graphs to it you can kind
of you could do a lot within it I don't
even know all the details but you can
you know set up like goals you can if
you have ecommerce include some more
information after an order saying this
is what they
this is how much they ordered and you
can actually tie that back to ads saying
people if you bought ads on Google you
can say you know how much did my ads
actually get me or how many times have
they actually filled x1 or buy X things
after they bought imagine so that's what
that's where you can really get kind of
that information on return on investment
on the Google Analytics module for
Drupal it's a it's a pretty good one I
mean if you want to you could just
include in your page template for your
whole site the little piece of Google
code and that might be just all the
information you want it for Google
Analytics the Google Analytics module
does a couple extra pieces of JavaScript
in there for example you could tell it
to actually send Google an event thing
when you click on a file download or
when you click on an external link so
you can kind of keep track of like where
we're going a little bit further than
the default Google Analytics code gives
you it's also pretty easy you don't
actually even have to copy of this huge
block of code you just have to copy out
your little ID number and paste it into
the admin of Google or of Drupal and it
will automatically put the Google X code
light in your page there's a couple
other things so like I said some of
these websites have a lot of these
little JavaScript pieces of tracking
codes or JavaScript sometimes clients
will use something with two of like
crazy egg there's another type of
analytics tool of like where people are
moving their Mouse around on their
website or clicking on different parts
of the page and those can be helpful
what I found is these this Drupal 7
module for tracking code really you can
it gives you kind of a really easy way
in the admin to say hey this little
piece of JavaScript I want it at the top
of the in the meta data area live page
before the body tag
the page where I want at the very very
bottom of my page and that kind of
sticks it in those places that
JavaScript usually goes and you can also
like you can with blocks say I want to
show it on only these pieces of content
these types of content were only only on
these paths or either not on all pages
but not these paths that kind of thing
so this this is just one of those tools
where you could say you know hey on this
you know thank you page for the contact
form instead of actually editing the
template of that page or the content of
that page just go install the tracking
code module and say hey just on this
page include this piece of JavaScript
that was tracking code module we've used
it a lot through the seven sites I
believe I'm not looked at it too much
but there is a module on for Drupal 8
called asset injector that actually you
can inject both JavaScript and CSS and I
think you can do those even a little
more complicated things with it the
other tool you could use is something
like Google tag manager is becoming more
and more popular and that is basically
like Google Analytics just a piece of
Google code you put on every page and
then in Google's web site you can
actually do a lot of these same types of
things so on Google's website you could
say in the tag manager interface you can
say hey only on this page add this piece
of JavaScript or you know on every page
but this paint but this page or that
other page just include the JavaScript
here so then it's pretty impressive what
they got in there actually like you can
kind of like put stuff in there and kind
of keep it unpublished for a while and
publish it when you're ready
and that type of thing so we've started
using that a lot more on sites instead
of actually putting it right into the
website template or you've been
installing this tracking code module
the last thing I'll mention here is a
drupal module called site verify when
you use like stuff like Google search
console where you want to get the search
reduced or any quality a lot of things
you can even a lot of things you know
companies want to verify hey do you
actually own this website and then we
usually give you a couple different ways
to do that like add a little extra
minute egg in there in the website that
identifies what they can actually read
them at a tag and say oh yeah you are
you control the website because you put
it meta tagging now or you control the
website because you put it DNS record in
there and we talked about using that for
the search console to get access but
there are sometimes other reasons you
might do that and so this this module
site verify is just a really simple
admin to to help you do that if you
don't want to actually like for the most
part if if the client says hey we want
this little like a file it uploaded to
the website I will just maybe put the
file and get and it it's and you know
upload it to the website and that should
work fine but it's like if the client
really wanted to do that themselves this
will give you an admin interface where
you can turn on this module and then
they can upload files or add little meta
tags on whatever pages they want and
just do it through the admin so
yeah I mean that's another thing I
mentioned too is just I'm kind of a
little bit against adding little
verification codes and meta tags just
because this one search engine is
looking for it but on the other hand
every single visitor your website has to
download this little snippet of stuff
that doesn't mean anything to them it
just means to me like you're just
wasting kilobytes of download speeds or
something so wait wait going sorry when
doing Google Google search console
verification I usually like to pick one
either like you know hey this account is
already associated with a Google
Analytics account and then I'll just
kind of let you through or include
actually a file that's specific to
Google and that Google can look for that
not everyone else has to know I have to
download that content but you know it
it's you know it's like less than a
kilobyte of data I suppose on every page
so it's not like you know it's the most
downloaded thing ever if it is there but
um yeah site verification module also
site verify is only really now for
Drupal 7 as far as I've seen but there's
other ways to get around that to you
know adding meta tags in different
places and
fighting files so I think that's all I
have for today
hopefully I was and if anybody has any
questions I'd feel free to take them rap
yes I just wanted to mention one thing
about tips are great to LMOs direct
modules there's one other that I like
Matt redirect naturally and I match
redirect does and so if you haven't
website where you've done a lot of
rearranging or something and you want to
just say take everything that was in
this section and redirect because
there's not a direct one-to-one
correlation with new pages right right
everybody who's going to what used to be
called this now to be caught this you
can you can set it up with a wild card
in your master yeah that's so just with
recording it and the module called match
redirect I couldn't do more about kind
of matching kind of a wild card
searching kind of system that's
interesting I did not use that myself
but any more questions comments anything
I missed
yeah sorry
well um I think you know that's a good
I I guess I haven't used it on a site
that has like 100,000 pages or something
like that because it is kind of stored
in its own database table but I don't
think that should be a really big
performance issue yeah I don't know of
one but I you might have may have had
some issues that I have experienced
myself either but yeah I think it's you
know it's pretty well used by you know a
lot of websites I haven't looked at on at the meta tag page you can
say like this many you could see like
this one I think it's probably hundreds
of thousands of websites are probably
using them edit a blog you want so I
think yeah very early on when you were
talking about URLs you're talking about
them being having a higher RPM yeah well
I thank you but I have one website where
we have so many so much in the hierarchy
that I now have some URLs that are like
they're truncated because it's too long
do you have any success
maximum length for useful URLs or
another way to approach that yeah that's
that's a good question I yeah there is
kind of a max I think by default these
URL systems really don't allow like up
to two hundred and fifty or fifty-five
characters or something like that and I
would say I mean most likely at some
point too far in their the search
engines are not really going to look at
those four keywords anyway so maybe
there's a reason not to do it that way
either but yeah I don't know I bet
there's probably something in the that
you could add into the token module that
would say like you know just cut cut off
this you know if your taxonomy term name
or your page name is Lilly long in a
cut-off a little orderly or something
you know rounded up to write it down to
so maybe there's something like that but
I'm not exactly sure I have seen that
once or twice before and usually tried
to maybe make the category page names a
little short or something and the
particular site I'm thinking of if I had
it to do over
they wouldn't have bothered so for
example there's like there's three
different kinds of blogs on this site
rather than having you know this whole
path to get to that particular why I
probably just could have you know used a
descriptive name of the blog yeah that
can happen to then you might get yeah I
mean what I have come to is if you do
use the path auto module and you change
what it is
change what the alias is there's ways to
kind of clear all those out and it
should add so I mean I would maybe try
it on dev or test copy or local copy
first before you and verify that at
least you know a couple of various pages
work but you know try it out and see if
you can actually reorganize the URLs you
have the redirects and the aliases those
things working pretty well it should
kind of all redirecting and yeah if I
was in hand anybody wanted to uh yeah
schema metatag papa
yeah yeah okay so that actually will
include json-ld parts in the meta tag
area or page or something like that okay
nice then you have Jason LD is one of
the format's that schema that earlier
accepts and it's usually like the rdf
usually kind of includes all the
metadata in different tags throughout
the page the jason LD kind of usually
just put it in one little block of jason
code that's to some extent kind of
duplicates you know the content you know
it sometimes is a little easier to use
that kind of get it in the right format
that schema or wants then of that higher
page is organized so yeah that's that's
helpful thank you yeah matter is with a
lot of sites builders designers
watch it put into a lot of our these SEO
well the next time I'll cite Mac a lot
of the stuff you mentioned already but
one of the things is trying to get our
clients so I actually do things like
incorporate keywords and page titles
and that's not I mean it's not like we
can go back in this or we would get paid
to go back in and rewrite their page
styles to help us ego rush all right do
you have any resources to direct clients
to to help them grasp no I think let's
see I mean there's a lot of research
done Eric resources on kind of SEO and
keywords that type of thing just kind of
around the internet I guess I'm not
exactly sure I know like yeah there's
one like search engine land or
search engine land if another website
yeah and then is a second one
there's some you know kind of search
engine news and and I think is
like one of the top search engine
companies there's very SEO companies
worldwide or something but you know
those are maybe some good like I've
definitely looked at those for some
other blog posts on how things should
should work I think you know let's see I
think I think Drupal and if you solve
most these modules I think it does a
pretty good job of giving SEO to a point
where it's you know um you just write
good content on your page is going to
kind of just show up to some extent but
you can always kind of you know really
get deep into like oh hey this keyword
is actually not really used by a lot of
our competitors but a lot of people are
searching for it
and so maybe you want to start
optimizing for that keyword instead and
I think that's where you know you
usually get like an SEO or internet
marketing company coming in because the
client says something like hey we're not
getting as much traffic as you want and
we want to improve that more so that
that's one you have to do a little more
research on that here's what you're
looking for that make sense yeah even so
I mean I've noticed a lot of times that
clients will for instance title unknown
something that is maybe not really
related or it's to the content or it's
so generic that is fine with us right
right you know like great a benefice we
kind of stuff I mean was I playing today
yeah yeah so it's that's you know and of
course see the stuff after the fact
because we're not actually adding the
content right yeah I think content I
think they're not really you know
writing content and that's such a way
that it makes it's very helpful for the
reader or for search engines in general
um yeah I you know I guess what I would
do very often is just kind of say hey
you know I noticed this and I think it
could be confusing maybe for your
clients or for your customers and maybe
try just say hey like this would make
more sense I think you know and just try
to try to you know put them in their
shoes I guess you know yeah I face that
same issue with clients of two most
important things with page title and
page description th title is important
for Google to find out what the keywords
are so they can go there see the
description is important for people who
see a results on Google what would -
show up yeah yeah I've written a
one-page description of what those
elements are what's what should be put
in them into my clients so they could
write that stuff so I can yeah I am by
no means an SEO expert have a one-person
C so that means I design I build I sure
a certain level of SEO for my clients
which isn't a whole lot but I'd like to
share a link that I found really useful
it's it's very very simple for those of
us who don't really know much about SEO
and then perhaps to share with your
clients also and it's back link Oh so
back link and with an O at the end that
SEO - okay exactly Okami slash SEO -
this - here yeah and it's just got and
I'll probably six or eight tips based on
what Google is really looking for right
now and yeah it's simple that's like
stuff if you have the opportunity to
anything at all in terms of content
descriptions I'm just like you're
working on it's definitely yeah that's I
think true likely the pages title the
keywords that you have in the URL and
and actually the you know the URL of the
name of the site reminds me to like
backlinks is when they call like links
that are going to your website and those
are all kind of very important things
that search engines like Google and most
people will use to kind of say hey this
is a important website people in looking
to your website you have some important
information so well subject back there
somehow important search engines I think
these days they're pretty important
because the idea yeah
like I think if no one's linking to your
website and that's like whoa you know
maybe no one finds this useful that's
something you know that maybe the search
engine shouldn't either
but I think you know if you I think
there's also the other side of that too
where you just have a bunch of random
websites that have nothing to do with
your industry and nothing to do with
yeah they're just swarming with a bunch
of spam whatever so I can help you
either because Google is pretty smart at
saying hey this is somebody just trying
to game our system so you know it that's
where like she said every year kind of a
slightly new thing that's going on
because Google's always trying to keep
one step ahead of has the SEO people or
the spam people that are trying to game
the system that they've just created so
it's always a little bit changing but
hopefully this at least you know my
presentation gave you some ideas of like
here's things you can do that will at
least get things started and help you
know if you have an internet marketing
group that's doing a lot more help them
to kind of manage that without having to
you know we've dive into the triple code
so let's call it throw a wildling thing
out there and that is I find that it's
useful on through this super often but I
find it useful look at silver alloys
because it's remarkable to me that like
to the Box yeah that's true
yeah I was gonna say look at server logs
that's not really that exciting because
it's not gonna I think most of it's just
just noise yeah but a couple things
about it is that directly a5 something
which you can block it with HD access
for instance yeah fancy but it also it
will tell you although you can find this
out in the Google search console to
it'll actually tell you what pages are
being indexed by but you know by Google
or by being or by Yahoo or whatever yeah
yeah so that's sometimes worthwhile
because yeah in the logs the bots will
say actually hey we're at Google about
oh yeah Google Mike to say something
card good for some part of Google that's
that's where I have seen a couple times
where like you know a few configured
wrong and we have a million URLs and
Bing just starts trying to index all of
them why is our server so slow and it's
like well yeah this is trying to index a
thousand different variations of this
page and some happy actually end up
blocking them for a little while and you
know fixing the issue or something like
that district yeah looking through the
log female board but I think we're out
of time but if you have any questions
for me I'll be standing right up here if
you want a Twin Cities drupal sticker
posted triple camp
come on this June in