Jenkins is the most venerated and widely-used open source automation tools. It has many similarities to Drupal with it's open source roots, vast plugin ecosystem, and slow but steady modernization.
If you're not using Jenkins or any other automation tools to manage your Drupal sites, you're missing out!
Or, if you already use Jenkins, what if I told you it could be better? What if you could build automation around your automation?
This session will walk through different ways I've implemented secure Jenkins installations for Drupal and other PHP projects, including:
- Setting up Jenkins with Nginx and Let's Encrypt for https encryption.
- Managing configuration and Jenkins jobs in code (along with an introduction to Pipelines).
- Continuous Integration for your Jenkins environment (CI for your CI!).
- Backing up and restoring Jenkins servers.
- Integrating Jenkins with tools like Ansible and AWS CloudFormation to enhance your automation workflows.
But the main takeaway will be the importance of automation. Any tasks you regularly perform on your Drupal projects—especially those which affect production and could impact revenue—should be automated (with or without Jenkins!).
This session will be aimed at an intermediate audience, who may already be familiar with one or more of the following:
- Basic automation tools like Drush, Drupal Console, or shell scripts.
- Basic command line usage.
- Configuration management systems like Ansible or Puppet.
Jeff Geerling
Senior Technical Architect @ AcquiaMidwestern Drupalist living in St. Louis, MO. I co-organize the St. Louis Drupal Users Group, and do a lot of open source work in my spare time.

hopefully you're here for this
presentation on Jenkins and not for
something else a little bit about myself
I have been working with Drupal since
also write quite a bit I write blog
posts I wrote a book I actually have a
few little coupon things these say on
them 25% off but I made the coupon 100
percent off so throughout the
presentation I'll try to try to give a
few of these Cathy's out the cool thing
about the way that I'm publishing this
book it's only in pub so anytime that
there's updates danceable I update the
book the book has complete automated
test coverage as well so I update the
book examples and then you get them for
free it's a nice nice model I also call
myself an Automator of things because
that's kind of what I do
aqueous is what I do for my personal
projects I wish I could do that for
things like gardening because everything
that I grow at my house ends up dying a
year later or a week later but for the
first one of these who knows the
reference in this picture and in the
title okay well someone else what's the
what's the title of the movie
yeah dr. strange like and that's
what's-his-name all right so with this
this presentation is going to be kind of
simple but towards the end I figure I
want to give everybody a good kind of
broad overview of Jenkins because some
people here who here has ever used
Jenkins at all so there's there's a good
number a lot of people never used it
some people might have like used it on a
project that they never set it up and
they never configured it so I want to go
from like the beginning of what is it
how do you use it how do you set it up
and then get into how to use it with
Drupal and then finally at the end we
can kind of get deeper into things if
you want to see some of the examples and
stuff like that so a little history on
the project originally a long long time
ago it was called Hudson and it was
developed by a guy at Sun Microsystems
unfortunately at some point in the
history a big company called Oracle
bought Sun Microsystems and they started
screwing with all these open-source
projects that were amazing and that led
to some internal strife in the Hudson
team and the guy who created it
eventually Oracle says he forked it he
says he renamed the project and Oracle
Ford did but basically they came up with
a new name and it was called Jenkins
so eventually many years later Jenkins
came under the purview of a company
called cloud B's it's still completely
open-source it's still primarily a Java
based tool and it's like if you use Java
it's like the shoo-in for anything CI
but it's it's a Java based tool that
that is well maintained has constant
updates has a very large community
and it's under the stewardship of
cloudBees now for another one of these
copies of the book who can tell me
another popular software product that
Oracle has bought out as part of their
bio to son and kind of noisy boys I
think yeah OpenOffice there's there's a
number Sun Sun was highly productive and
Oracle is highly seductive I guess in
terms of money is great for causing of
working if you want to get your coffins
first project for then go to Oracle back
in the early 2000s I forget like 2004 or
something and when Hudson was originally
made it became super popular and son it
was open source it became super popular
everywhere because see I was a pretty
new thing at least open source see I was
a pretty little thing back then and by
like two thousand seven eight nine it
was basically the only open source CI
tool since Jenkins UI and paradigms and
all that kind of just stayed the exact
same from 2001 to 2011 twelve thirteen
all the sudden people realized oh people
want usability and people want to be
able to do things in language besides
Java so all these other things have
since come into being and some of them
integrate a little better a little worse
with different products like Travis CI
fees github travis circle CI some other
tools or like click a button and you're
all integrated jenkins a little bit more
work but it is open source and free for
private projects so that's nice
but there's a lot more tools today so
Jenkins has to be more competitive um
getting started with getting Jenkins
onto a server similar so you can start
using it a few of the considerations
that you need to make one is random
Jenkins is a Hungry Butler it needs lots
of RAM it's basically as much as you can
give it it will run on a one gigabyte
VPS or on like a one gigabyte virtual
machine something like that but it
doesn't run well and it will kill itself
when it hits out of memory issues even
if you're just doing things like cron
jobs and stuff Jenkins Jenkins likes
lots of RAM so two gigs four gigs
minimum requirement if you're doing a
lot of things a lot of Drupal sites you
might want to go eight gig 16 gigs or
also spread out jobs on multiple slaves
I'm not going to get into that in this
presentation CPU not usually that
important to have like super beefy CPU
on your server that runs Jenkins unless
you have jobs that do tons and tons of
work and PHP nodejs and stuff if it's
just building a project and running
tests it doesn't need to have something
crazy another thing that's important is
don't ever fill up the system disk
Jenkins doesn't handle that too
gracefully what it does is it just stops
talking jobs and it doesn't tell you
anything about it there might be a log
message but make sure that you monitor
these things so it has either just log
in to the server
on top or have a tool monitoring these
things and make sure that you're not
hitting your limits and if you are you
might need to upgrade your server also I
do run Jenkins a lot of times on a
really small server like a 512 maybe PS
just because it's super duper cheap and
if we didn't have it running we wouldn't
want anything so have something it's
better than nothing so in the
presentation which I'll link later
there's a shell script that I have that
I've run as a cron job on those smaller
servers which is on it just on github
gist that you can copy and paste and it
just make sure the service is running
and this projector does this in this
room I don't
so installing Jenkins it's really simple
right you just install Java installed
Jenkins and you're done it's just like
Apache Solr except Jenkins Jenkins is is
a lot more complex beast and one thing
that some people might not realize is
when you automate things with Jenkins
you put all your keys and API keys and
your SSH keys and all these things into
Jenkins if somebody gets controller it's
going to completely own and demolish
your infrastructure because they have
the keys to the kingdom so of the people
who have ramas Jenkins server have you
ever seen a Jenkins server look like
this after a year or two anybody I have
I know pretty much every Jenkins server
I've ever seen ends up like this the
problem is people don't update it people
don't maintain the server people don't
have any sort of testing for things they
do so they add in a plugin and it messes
everything up and when their Jenkins is
hosts forever I've been at a lot of
organizations where so they have like a
list of their Jenkins servers and then
there's a column that says has it been
hacked yet and like 90% of them are yes
because they're running like a three
year old version of Jenkins because
everybody's scared of upgrading because
they have these plugins that are three
years old that all their stuff is
dependent on but the server's hacked but
it still has to run because they're
dependent on it to do their business
operations it's not a good situation
it's I mean it's like a Drupal site if
you I know people who have not updated
their Drupal sites from seven point six
or eight or whatever it is Phenix Drupal
I mean if you're running Drupal 6 and
you have drop garden my drop guard job
my drop lizard that's it you that I
would still get into Drupal 7 as soon as
you can but but it's it's the name of
the game and software is updating so
there's the way that I recommend
installing Jenkins and the way that I do
it is you want it to be secure first of
all because if you're like let's say
you're on the wonderful open Wi-Fi here
and you log into your Jenkins server and
it's on HTTP anybody with a laptop here
could immediately pick up your login
credentials get into your Jenkins server
and do anything that you could including
like deleting a code base or deploying
new code or changing the checked out of
branch on a Drupal site or if it's a
more boring server just running your via
tests and seeing how cool that yeah yeah
VPN is an option but I for public server
like a lot of times it's a group of
people that's remote or something's I'm
working with so I have nginx and let's
encrypt let's encrypt generates a cert
and keeps the cert active and nginx
proxies little traffic the Jenkins and
you can also do some other things to
make the installation a little bit more
secure with that but in general having
it behind the HTTPS only it's nice and I
think that because it's still recording
believe me but it just keeps hiding
itself on the screen engine X is just a
proxy so the other thing that I
encourage is Jenkins as a CI tool and
you're going to start using CI as a
cultural thing it's your company or for
your projects wouldn't be good to have
CI for your CI so that you can actually
make sure that your testing and your
integration and your deployments work
before you make updates to all that
stuff so I always make sure that there's
actual CI for the Jenkins instance so I
don't have
and I'm just deploying update to Jenkins
and hope you know as I think Chris Urban
yesterday and our other presentation
what was the code like cross your
fingers pray
if it if it works it's in prod and it's
done that's not how that's not how I
want my Jenkins server drone especially
if I'm dependent on it for code deploys
or 4 4 code builds things like that
don't look dumb luck yeah I don't want
dumb luck
managing my Drupal sites so and you know
you wouldn't develop a Drupal site in
production would you so why would you
develop all of your automation in
production that sounds like a recipe for
if you run a job and you accidentally
had the wrong parameter and you had prod
in where it should be dev all sudden
your prod at an Armin gets locked off
and for all them bad things can happen
so you want to be able to test things
locally and to run Jenkins locally and
make changes locally and then put them
on to production in an automated fashion
repeatedly if you want to skip ahead
about a thousand steps I have a github
repo that I've built for this
presentation unfortunately I was going
to do a few more things with it but I
ended up in the hospital a couple weeks
ago so I did not get to do a couple of
those things but it's pretty complete
and I'm gonna keep working on it after
this because I'm actually now using it
to manage some of my Drupal sites
because better than the old Jenkins
server setup that I was easy
if you want to do something that's a
little easier for Jenkins management you
can there is a platform or product
business service service as a service I
don't look CIA as a service through
fabi's so you can get all the same stuff
with Jenkins but managed hosted by them
with some of their security and tools
and things and the guarantee that it's
always up to date they have you have
engineers available it's a bit more
expensive though I'm having an open
source tool it's kind of the same thing
it's like if you ran if you're on their
site through Squarespace a Twix you're
paying a lot more than if you use Drupal
which is free but you're responsible for
Drupal updates and stuff like that but
they have it's basically the name of the
game if you want hosts of Jenkins if you
want to use it right now during this
presentation and stop listening to me
you can use docker this command and
that'll bring up their their basic like
the latest demo
docker container running Jenkins with
blue ocean talk a little bit more about
the ocean in a bit so you have Jenkins
setup let's say using that docker thing
or using the linked linked project that
I was working on once you're in there's
a few things that you might need to
configure some of them are more pressing
than others but this is another reason
why I like doing it locally before I go
to production because if you build a
Jenkins server in production at least in
the old days it used to not even be
protected there was no admin login by
default so you to install Jenkins and
then if somebody else got to it before
they could lock you out of it that's
never a good thing
or sometimes you install Jenkins you log
in and you change a 70 minute
you have that's not good either so it's
good to do this locally first get your
get your feet wet the first thing that
you'll probably want to do and it's
something that you'll do forever
basically when you're using Jenkins is
start evaluating what plugins are
necessary for your work plugins are very
much like Drupal modules and that's a
good thing and a bad thing just like
this Drupal modules that's a good thing
and a bad thing some plugins break
everything every few months other
plugins are stable and reliable and
awesome all the time but you'll end up
using at least 5 or 10 plugins sometimes
instance to help make things faster
easier more convenient and plugins do
everything from like making it so you
can interact with github directly so you
can have commits on github trigger
builds and Jenkins or do things like put
timestamps in your build log so you can
see how long things take that kind of
stuff one of the biggest plugins Suites
which is slowly becoming basically I'm
guessing with like Jenkins 3.0 will be
this called blue ocean and like I said
earlier Jenkins was the name of the game
and the state of the art in 2004-2005
like two thousand nine ten eleven but a
lot of people started realizing that
some of these other new tools circles
yeah get live CI and Travis CI and all
these other ones some of some of them
even open-source they were a lot more
usable they were a lot more user
friendly and also did things like
instead of having to click through an
interface to build a job you could just
throw a file in your repository and then
when you added it to the system it would
start building it automatically Jenkins
has that now through blue ocean blue
ocean and pipelines but there's still
the the major effort went into it and
what was it 20 14 15 16
and it's still not the default so the
default is still the old ancient
interface which they have retina
graphics which is nice but it's still
this ancient like if you used Hudson and
Jenkins today a lot of it is just
exactly the same just nicer icons so
blue ocean is just a complete rewrite of
the interface and it's a lot more usable
it's a lot more friendly towards the
people that will actually build the jobs
like the old Jenkins interface is really
friendly for the people that build your
automation but you should if you build
automation rightly you're doing it like
for two percent of the time and you're
using it like 98 percent of times so
it's better to target the 98 percent so
there's there's an issue if you want to
follow it it's linked in here eventually
it's going to be the default so instead
of logging into Jenkins and getting that
old interface you get the new one and
that'll be nice because the only way to
do that now is to use nginx and to
rewrite requests to slash blue and
that's kind of annoying to me another
thing that's important in configuring a
Jenkins server because generally
speaking and I would recommend this
Jenkins should be completely separate
from like your Drupal server or any
other service that you're running for
many reasons isolation and the fact that
I'll get to it in a minute but basically
you're going to be putting things into
Jenkins to let you be able to access
other tools and code bases and things so
one thing to keep in mind there is if
you can don't give it the keys of the
kingdom give it the keys that it needs
just to do it it needs to do so like if
it just needs to check out the code base
on github and deploy it you don't need
to give it push access to your github
codebase so use a github deploy key with
read-only access
don't use your like personal key that
can do anything to any github repo that
you own seen that happen a lot of times
and that's an easy way to get hacked API
keys and things like that usually what
you would do is store them in the
Jenkins home directory
there's other ways to do it you can also
use key storage systems and things but
there's some plugins for it but it gets
kind of complicated and doesn't work
with everything so one thing to keep in
mind is that you need to be careful and
vigilant about who has admin level
access to Jenkins because all these
things basically their files on a file
system that somebody could read if they
get access let's see and this is the
interface that comes with Jenkins for if
you need to add like an SSH key you can
either enter it in directly and it
stores it in a little file in the
Jenkins home folder you can have it
stored somewhere on the Jenkins server
and it could read it in you can also add
usernames and passwords and API keys and
things and then Jenkins gives these
these credentials to any job that needs
them there's ways to make them more
limited so you can like the credential
that only these jobs can use in a
credential in these jobs use but that's
a little more complicated than I'm going
to get into today and like I said
earlier be careful who has access to
Jenkins as basically if you have if you
have a default Jenkins instance you just
installed it and you create a new user
account that new user account has all
privileges and rights just like you do
so basically unlike Drupal where every
new user just has like admin area
authenticated user and it has like two
permissions and Jenkins every user gets
basically two Jenkins and so if you have
files in your Jenkins home that have
credentials in them that new user could
write a Jenkins job that cats a file out
and then they could grab your keys and
do things with it so another thing
that's important in a Jenkins server is
making sure that you have a good access
so the way that I usually do this is
using the role strategy plugin and if
you use Drupal this is like I don't know
it's like halfway between what Drupal's
groups and the users are not groups what
is it called
is it groups roles you have permissions
and roles
it's kind of like drupal's permissions
and roles but it can be a little bit
more daunting at first because it's like
you want to do it by Jabra globally and
it's like that's the only option so you
can do it by job and like every single
job you have to configure who has access
to read/write see the workspace run it
see the builds all that kind of stuff
another thing to be careful of is the
workspace itself when you're when you're
setting up permissions for a Jenkins
server if somebody has access to the
workspace and part of your code build
job does something that like writes a
file to the code base that has an API
key or access key in it and then it puts
that code on to your production server
or something like that
anybody with read access to the
workspace could technically get at that
key so one thing I usually do is I have
there's a plug-in called the workspace
cleanup plug-in it deletes the workspace
after a job sometimes that's not
something you want to do actually but
you have to be careful about who has
access to the workspace for anything
that would do something that that writes
secrets to the workspace got a quick
backing up Jenkins is actually
surprisingly easy Jenkins does
everything under the Sun inside its
Jenkins home folder there are very
specialized advanced to use cases where
that's not the case but 99.9 percent of
the time everything that you need in a
Jenkins installation is inside Jenkins
home so you literally just zip that home
folder put it somewhere and you have a
backup so what I usually do is I just I
have an Amazon s3 bucket it cost like
seven cents a month to have you know
like 60 days of backups unless we have
gargantuan code bases that you're
backing up which is a really bad idea
and get a reason that clean up your
workspaces but anyway there's I have an
ant scible playbook I think this is let
me click on it it's an en civil playbook
that grabs the Jenkins home it makes
sure there's a bucket name bucket named
Jenkins backup in my case it sinks the
contents there's actually an ansible
module for this but Amazonas s3 sync was
causing your tissues and then it makes
sure that it's there and for sadly
here's where your backup is so that's
nice and that's that's what I usually do
is I put that playbook on the server and
the Jenkins home folder and then I have
a Jenkins job that runs every night and
it just does that and it zips it up with
a timestamp and if your Jenkins home is
small it's like I said like pennies to
do backups on its three if your Jenkins
home is huge you might want to change
your change the way that you use the
backup for you - I think that script
actually excludes workspaces but you'll
have to see in your own a decision
so finally jenkins and drupal that's why
we're here what are some things that we
can do with jenkins in drupal well
anything that you do manually you can do
it this jenkins anything that you do in
Travis CI or other things you can do it
with Jenkins to some of the most common
things are on here running tests
building dependencies so a lot of people
use Jenkins like Acquia we have a tool
called BLT build and launch tools and it
actually by default uses Travis CI but
you can use it with Jenkins and it in
your codebase you just have a composer
JSON your tests and custom code like
that's all you have in your codebase so
your codebase could be like 100
kilobytes you don't have to include
Drupal core all the modules and patches
and all that junk and then what blt does
is every time you commit code it builds
the code base on Travis or Jenkins or
wherever and then it runs your tests and
then it does everything and if you have
it configured it'll also deploy it to
your development environment so that's
one thing that a lot of people use
Jenkins for because it's really annoying
to have to do that my hand and your
options are basically either somebody
does that by hand every time you deploy
code or you automated in Jenkins and you
don't have to worry about it ever again
another thing that Jenkins can be useful
for is running cron a lot of people just
set up a cron job on a server or if
you're using a hosting provider you can
run cron usually in their interface
somewhere but you might need more
specialized control over the crowd or
scheduling Jenkins has pretty flexible
scheduling you can also set it so that
like cron could be run after certain
things happen so a lot of people who
need more advanced things done with
crime end up running it through a tool
like Jenkins instead you can also deploy
new sites so any example that I'm giving
I'm doing a multi-site install so I had
I I didn't this is one of the things I
didn't get to do do before today but you
have a playbook or script or something
that sets up the new database installs
Drupal and make sure everything's in
line for a new multi-site site or even
if you're using like Amazon route 53 you
could do everything like say I need a
new website I need Jeff Garlin's Jenkins
stuff com
just type in the website name and it
would do everything from giving you a
domain name to building this folder and
everything in your codebase pulling the
codebase building the database building
your site it's it's like a it could be a
performance way of getting like an
automated site builder tool doing
another thing that a lot of people do is
deploying updates so instead of just
automatically deploying things to dev or
stage or prod if you have multiple
environments like what I usually do is I
have one production server and in my
local environment for a Drupal site so
when I want to deploy something I commit
things to my code base and then I click
a button jenkins and it deploys it to my
production site instead of doing it
automatically I like doing it on my own
and so for a quick little demo I think
I'm doing a little bit fast but for a
quick little demo I have my my Jenkins
project set up and I'm gonna use it on
my Midwestern Mac that will see a
website which is on a server that's
actually running Drupal 7 I have one
that's running Drupal 8 but there's only
one side on it so it didn't get to test
like multi-site stuff and it has six
different sites on and here's a quick
demo of how I have that set up using
this this installation so let me go
quickly to give
drupal jenkins multi-site so this is the
project i was mentioning earlier and it
has as i said it you can install locally
so you can test things out and build
things locally before you go to
production it also has a production set
up so that you can use like VPS anywhere
as long as you have root access you can
do it and it will build everything the
same way in production as you have on
local the local set up uses docker and a
fun thing i just found out last night is
that you can actually run docker
containers inside docker containers so
like i can do all my CI stuff inside
that uses doctor and i didn't think I'd
be able to do that so that is cool and
it has an MIT license so if you want to
take this code and completely modify it
for your needs go ahead and fork it I'm
completely happy with that and this this
setup depends on an antipope playbook
that uses a bunch of money ansible rules
so there's a lot of these girl and guy
roles but it sets up a bunch of
different things for my Jenkins server
that I use as tools to help me automate
a little easier so I'm using ansible
I'll show you how to use that in a
minute a cert bot is the tool that gets
certificates from let's encrypt I use
docker containers to do things like
build compose dependencies that way I
don't have to install PHP and composer
and all these other tools on the Jenkins
server I try to limit the Jenkins server
to just like Java Jenkins nginx thing as
small as possible now there's some other
tools you might be like git but keeping
it keeping the attack surface small on
the server is a very good thing when you
have the keys of the kingdom on your
so then there's there's Java and Jenkins
of course Java is required to run
Jenkins and then I have get nginx and
Gen X which is just used to serve the
SSL for the site basically it's a
reverse proxy then I have a security
role that that does what I called it and
everybody calls it the first five type
setup steps it locks down SSH access it
installs steal failed to ban so that if
somebody tries for brute force in your
server though this block some of those
kind of things
sets up automated security updates for a
month two or more sent to us and then I
got a firewall that's it's just sets up
IP tables rules for so that you can only
get access to like Jenkins and that's it
and SSH and then pip is used with
ansible to do a few of the automation
steps so once you get all that setup it
installs the Jenkins server and I had
enough time to get these four jobs done
just to show you a sample of some of the
jobs that I would build personally my
convention is always they have snake
snake case is it
yeah not camel case it's snake case
where it's all lowercase with under
lines instead of spaces because when
you're automating things with Jenkins
you can use spaces but spaces cause all
kinds of weird issues so I use this kind
of format for jobs other people don't
but as a simple example
I actually made an update to my code
base that multi-site code base if I go
to midwestern I go to available
I find that honey pots out-of-date so I
just grabbed the module this is a Drupal
downloaded the module and drugged and
drugged it into my codebase
it was very barbarian feeling but anyway
so I did all that and I committed it now
I'm going to deploy that code since this
is a multi-site there's six Drupal sites
but there's one code base so code deploy
is just literally putting that code on
the server and then running updates and
clearing caches for each of those sites
so I'll show you how that's I'll
actually let's do it first
so Jenkins gives you a nice live view of
what's going on on the server and gives
you counsel out but and I use a plug-in
to give timestamp so I can see how long
things take and you can see it deployed
the code before this was the commit on
the server and after that was to commit
so that's all nice and good and now it's
going through all the sites on the
server midwestern Mac Jeff Garlin calm
carry of ours before I do SDL so it's
going through all these sites and it's
running database updates and then it's
clearing caches each one using brush and
I'll show you how that's done in just a
minute once it's finished
there we go and at the end it's always
wonderful to see that success so if I go
back to the project I can show you how
does this set up I used to do it like
for something simple like this I used to
do a lot of things using like an SSH
wrapper for a command or something but
that was always more complicated things
always got messed up so now I use
ansible I call this the formatting
sensible where you're not actually using
like ansible playbooks you just
literally use ansible to run a command
on the server and the way this is set up
is there's what ansible calls an
inventory file it says MN for midwestern
Mac and then is here it just tells you
here's the server it's out there
midwestern Mac comma or whatever so I
say ansible and then I tell it what
servers to work on in this case just mmm
is the one server and then use the git
module and then these are arguments to
answer all to tell it what to do so it's
saying go to my git repository and then
check out the master branch the latest
version of master make sure it updates
to the latest commit and stick it into
this folder make sure that it's there so
a cool thing about the way that ansible
does this is it it actually will check
and see is that already done if it is it
will say changed equals false and it
will just tell you like it do anything
because it's already there but in our
case it did see enough they say they saw
the commit has changed and it said
changed equals true and then I have just
an array here of all the different
websites that are on that multi-site and
it loops through the array and runs
brush-up DB and drush CC all that could
have been a little more fancy and used
my gift aliases which are actually in
that code base but I didn't have this
Jeb used the code base kind of
intentionally cuz
few minutes so that's this is like super
simple and using ansible it makes it
really easy just run commands on a
remote server as long as you have SSH
access to the server and for if it's
local like if you did do something
against my recommendation and run
Jenkins and Drupal on the same server
which would often end up in the Jenkins
blowing up or Drupal blowing up then you
wouldn't even need to use ansible and
couldn't see stress directly but I don't
anyway so that's how that works and then
there's another couple jobs here cron
run this is just to show how simple it
is to run from a remote server with
Jenkins I use the same thing ansible
operate on the midwestern maxover and
then if you don't provide so ansible sit
like this is a module if you don't
provide a module it defaults to the
command module which literally runs the
string as a command on the server so I
just haven't run drush core cron and I
have a variable here website so I can
choose which of the six web sites it
runs crown on so if I go back here and
build it I can choose which website I'm
gonna run crown on Jeff Garlin back comm
go here and I can watch the output
and of course it goes with there we go
okay so if I go to Jeff Keeling that
comment should show that cron run ran
very recently I got a status report last
around 17 seconds ago so benefice oh and
I'll show you I'll prove that the
midwestern Mac update has been applied
if I get available updates honeypot
should be up-to-date that's good too so
it for something like cron like I said
earlier it's something that Jenkins can
automate and and have it have it run
like every five minutes or every hour or
whatever and there's a plug-in called
build periodically with parameters it's
the parameterised trigger plugin because
out of the box that comes with this
build periodically and you can just say
like run it every five minutes but if
you have parameters like which website
you might want to have like every five
minutes for Jeff gala calm but every day
for something else that doesn't get much
traffic so you can actually add
schedules for each parameter and it
gives you the syntax for that here
see so let me go to deploy to try and
run database backup is another one
that's I swear you can like if you're
using what's the module backup and
migrate freezing that which I also don't
recommend but if you are using that you
can have it like build a zip file if
your tar ball or something of your
codebase and database and then ship it
somewhere or you can used rush rush now
has the ability to build like your
entire code base and files in your
database and put it somewhere but I
usually backup everything separate so
this one just does the database it's
again very simple it has the selection
of the website as a parameter and then
it uses ansible first it does a rush
SQL dump and it compresses it and it
dumps it into a particular file and then
it copies it to this server so it copies
it from the from the destination like
from the web server to the Jenkins
server and then it deletes it from the
web server and then I didn't implement
this because I didn't get time to stick
my Amazon credentials for Jenkins into
here yet but the last step would be
copying it up to s3 and deleting it from
the server so that's another thing and
just like with the cron usually you'd
want to do that like daily or weekly or
whatever the schedule is that you need
let's see the last one so the last test
takes five minutes to run so I'm gonna
be kicking that one off and then getting
back to the end of my presentation I'll
show you all the wonderful magic
now there was a good presentation on
behalf that I highly recommend if you
need to know more about behavioral
testing by Steve Kirsh yeah it was a
little bit earlier today I'm sure that
Kevin Poole already has it up on YouTube
pretty much but this one this will take
fraud that Drupal um this production
demo website actually has like it's kind
of like my canary in the coal mine for
Drupal VM it's it's a live production
website that's running on Drupal VMs
stuff on a digitalocean droplet and the
code base has B hat tests and it has
integration with varnish and a bunch of
other things I'm kind of just using it
to make sure that everything I do and
hopefully em doesn't blow up everybody's
stuff all the time
which it hasn't because I have this
thing that tells me when it does so
that's nice but it comes with some B hat
tests and I have this job that will
schedule it and start it will do is it
actually uses Jenkins git integration
and it plumbs the repository into the
Jenkins workspace it it builds a docker
container which it's doing right now or
gold roof will be M it builds a docker
container it builds the codebase inside
the docker container using composer and
then it uses B hat to run you know then
it installs Troopa with josh then it
uses we have to run all the behavioral
tests so that every time that I commit
code I can have that we had to solve run
I didn't integrate this directly with
github so that every commit triggers a
build but you can do that if you're on a
public server if you're on your
localhost github can't call local host
or its local to you and not github so
anyway while this goes it takes a while
because downloading every dependency
ever well that goes I'll show you it
really quick how it works and then we'll
get back to the the tail end of the
presentation and open it up for us in
discussion so this one again is pretty
darn simple instead of using ansible
this time it's using docker to do
everything the first step is it
integrates with git so this is a github
repository you can actually clone it and
it includes as a bonus all of the
secrets encrypted with ansible vaults so
if you can crack ansible vault you could
have all of the keys to the kingdom for
Tripp will be on live they're all in the
codebase but I don't think you'll be
able to do that until you have a quantum
computer so so this uses if they get
integration to check out the master
branch you can also have it check out
multiple branches or check out a
different branch or have a parameter as
the branch name that kind of thing and
then it uses docker composed to build
that the built in docker compose file
that comes with Drupal VM and then it
installs the composer dependencies that
just uses composer install then it
installs the site using dress and then
it uses me hat to run the B hat docker
configuration which I can't scroll very
well it runs that we had docker
configuration which just tells it which
tests and where to look for things and
all that and once it finishes you'll be
able to see see the wonderful result of
so before you get to see that since it's
going to take a few minutes and I'm glad
I plugged in my computer because the CPU
is like 400% now I will go to the end so
one thing that I often run into is I'm
like man I just did that thing two times
I should spend like six hours automating
it sometimes actually do that and I
realized oh I've only never done that
three times and it takes like five
I shouldn't have spent six hours
automating it so of course there's this
wonderful xkcd comic that gives you a
good chart that's like when you're
thinking about automating something you
do with Drupal make sure that it's the
what is it the risk/reward not from
screw or make sure that that ends
justify the means
all right make sure that ROI is there
yes that's business speak I don't ever
remember anyways so you know a lot of
the things like running Drupal cron it's
a very quick thing if you want to go in
the interface into it but you're gonna
do it every five minutes through the
night you don't want to be up at night
clicking run crown on your Drupal site
so automated but if you you know it's
like restoring a database if you have a
big website you probably want to
automate that for safety's sake but if
you have a website that has very low
traffic I like some of the sites that I
want on my thing get like 12 visits a
day I don't need to have automation for
a database or store I can just be like
oh the websites down and like a day
later and spend some time and if the
database back up there
so anyway that is that's all that I had
in this presentation but there's there's
tons of great information I want to give
a special shout-out to chromatic a
little about who like a lot of times
when I'm stuck on something in Jenkins
I'm like searching on Google and it's
like Oh chromatic has an article on that
Oh chromatic has an article on this so
there are definitely a lot of Drupal
companies using a lot of Jenkins and a
lot of a lot of the companies do a great
job of like showing here's the best way
to do this here's how we did this and
another thing that I didn't touch on
much is Drupal 8 specific stuff because
this particular site that I was demoing
is a Drupal 7 site but what chromatic
has some good information on how they do
deploys and backups and things Phil
Norton also has an old presentation from
I said rupal or Jenkins hasn't really
changed since 2004 terms of the UI so
once once blue ocean comes out
everything you've learned about the way
that you click around in Jenkins becomes
worthless but you know that's that's
life in software though so that is all
that I have I'm going to switch back to
the demo over here and let it run but
questions in discussion
and Jenkins has a huge system of plugins
that that get lab still doesn't match
perfectly the other thing that that
seems to be yeah the other thing that I
don't like all the time about get lab
and get lab CI in particular the
resource usage has been worse than
Jenkins sometimes for me and a lot of
some of the things that they use are
really complicated they're very cool but
they're really complicated and Jenkins
it's like it's literally a Java blob of
Java and it spits out a very detailed
log and when things go wrong it's pretty
easy to figure out that went wrong 99%
of the time it's out of memory with get
labs sometimes I've hit issues that took
longer to debug it's getting a lot
better the last time I really who's
getting Ivan earnest was about a year
ago and things have gotten a lot better
but if you're completely new to it at
I wouldn't say definitely is Jenkins I'd
say look at a couple options use the
quick start like run the Jenkins docker
container around the get lab docker
container see which one really fits with
your model of how things should work
because it should be pretty easy to get
the first couple things going you know
if it if it takes you six hours to get
cron running through your CI tool you
might not want to use that CIT
Drupal you know which for a lot of
people it does then is it really so
we're working on that though there's a
core issue for oh this finished so at
the end it installed Drupal here and
then it runs a test Drupal context and
in order to prove that the head is
working correctly as a developer I need
to run a simple interface test it says
given I'm on the home page then I should
see a no front page content it's been
created yet that's about it you know
very simple but if you had a suite of
tests you could have different parts of
it run by tags or you can run them all
you can also what a lot of people do is
they have like they're essential to us
like every time we commit we want to run
ten or twenty tests that make sure
little things are working but when we
before we go to prod we want to make
sure everything works and it's like a
three hour test it you know sometimes
for some sites you do have lots of tests
around and things like that and they
take forever so you can split that out
and have two jobs one that is like for
every commit and then one that's like
I'm deploying the prod do everything for
me and yet the other cool thing with
Jenkins that get loud I think kind of
has this now ansible and has a 2x which
is similar but a little different a lot
of the tools are getting up to speed on
it but Jenkins is pretty good about like
if you have a QA team that they should
only have access to QA environments and
QA jobs and if we had like a Java team
that should only do Java things and a
PHP team that does Drupal things you can
split that access up pretty easy making
these jenkins folders and jenkins tabs
in the interface to sort things a little
better so that is one thing that I like
about Jenkins if you have a large team
of people
it's it's pretty good for that case it's
almost so what their sample does it have
those building figs in it just for like
reference yeah that's another thing I
completely forgot to mention so as I
said if you're not if you're developing
in production that's not I don't like
doing that ever so what I do and since
like your entire jenkins history and
everything is in the Jenkins home folder
to to get those in your codebase all you
have to do is create a jobs folder in
your Jenkins codebase and stick all the
config files so this is the config file
for the b-hat run test that I just ran
you can see the script is in here
they're just their XML files
that's what Java EE earned that's what
Jenkins uses and you can see with all
the things that it's doing so I just I
log in to the server I copy the config
file out of out of that job and put it
in a code base and then in Hansel
there's there is it so there's there's
an ansible task right here that
literally just copies that jobs folder
to the Jenkins home jobs folder and
that's it and you can have structures
and folders in there it doesn't matter
one cool thing too is with the way that
an Sable's copy module works if you have
like four jobs under version control and
somebody had to create an emergency job
on Jenkins and you push an update they
won't delete that job because it's not
in your local code base it'll leave that
there it's also kind of a curse because
if somebody's going wrong and adding
jobs in your life Jenkins server you
have to like sculpt them and delete it
yourself but that's how that's set up so
all these jobs are in the codebase you
guys can access them I'm going to be
making them like I think right now I
have now this is hard-coded the list
yeah this list is hard-coded so if you
tried running this on your site inside
would be I don't have Jeff curing that
kind of that's stupid
we have group of VM running in prod for
our accountable commerce demos and we
have a multi-site for future payment
gateway and this I have a hack job like
circle CI setup but I want more control
backups and yeah this is yeah I mean
like I said this is literally what I'm
moving all my stuff to because I have an
old Jenkins server but it was that was
when I was first learning Jenkins and
it's it was one of where is that that
was one of these servers it is one of
these servers I haven't unpacked but and
I keep it updated but it's just not in
good shape so but yeah I'm gonna make
this this will be a template instead of
a just straight-up XML file and the list
of servers will be a configuration
variable thing with jinkins if you're
using docker you can add a deacons
and in the way that I have this set up
is it uses a docker it uses a docker
container as the base so if I go to dr.
compose it just grabs it grabs a copy as
of 1 to 16
I actually just add an 1804 yesterday so
probably works on there I haven't tested
the Jenkins role yet but anyway it grabs
the bunt to 16 with ansible inside it
already so that you can run this
playbook inside the docker container and
set up all the services and it has like
a mock systemd set up in there so you
can run it as if it were a live server
one thing that that does requires that
you use the privileged option in docker
which some people are a little nervous
about but as long as you don't poke them
access to your computer to the outside
it's not I don't feel it's a big deal
any other questions yeah what was the
login shows in console the timestamps
I think it's called timestamp er it's in
let me look at the config list here
timestamp er yeah and so that this setup
also the way that might Jenkins role
works is you give it a list of plugins
and it will install them all for you so
you don't have to go in that list and
check a bunch of boxes and click install
so some of the ones that I always always
always use is get because everything I
do is with get an see color adds colors
to the console otherwise it's always
black and white and I really hate black
and white I like color although dr.
strangelove was black and white so so
you sort of I to name this presentation
roll strategy is the one that gives you
the ability to have good permissions
broken out by different roles
parameterised schedule or lets you have
parameters in your schedules so that you
can have multiple schedules on one job
that do different things
timestamp Brett's time stamps WS cleanup
is workspace clean up and that makes it
easy like a lot of people in look like
writing a thing that says like RM
darkish are everything inside this
folder but a that's dangerous because
you could have the wrong path like what
if you CD it into a different folder
they deleted something you want to and B
if something in your job fails and it
doesn't get to that point then you know
here you're out of luck Jenkins also has
the ability I think I have it in here
you can run a task after the build a
post build tasks whoops
a post build task and you can say it
uses regular expressions to say like
when should I run so in this case I
always wanted to run I have done dot
masterís which means no matter what the
output says always do this when I
haven't removed the docker container
because even if my job fails I wanted to
remove that docker container so I don't
have like a thousand docker containers
which I accidentally did a couple years
ago and then that filled up the disk and
the RAM and the CPU Jenkins server died
and it was like not running jobs for a
day and then anyway so now I always make
sure I removed our containers after the
jobs over job that starts failing that
runs and you know that lots of docker
why is the CPU my CPU is still going
at least was something in doctor
yeah Dockers doing something like
anyways any other questions
what time is it we're good on time I
think all right well thanks everybody