When developing a pattern library or design system that will be used in support of a Drupal project, a key decision must be made regarding where the design system should live. Conceptually, many agree that it should be an external dependency of a Drupal theme in order to promote reuse, but a large number of projects still embed the design system inside of the theme in order to simplify workflow and component integration.
While in the past I’ve occasionally found it difficult to justify developing a design system independently from Drupal, on a recent rebranding project I made the case to configure a workflow using this approach. At the start, our plan was to migrate 3 sites into Drupal 8. By the end of the project we ended up with a partial migration to Drupal 8, with two supporting sites still in WordPress - all under the same brand and using the exact same components. In the middle it became apparent that choosing to use an external design system up front allowed us to make decisions that would have otherwise been impossible, and had a major impact on our ability to still hit our planned launch date as the project evolved.
In reviewing this rebranding effort, we’ll take a closer look at our approach to a shared design system including:
The structure of our design system repository
Requiring the design system in your Drupal project as a composer dependency
Workflow and managing releases
Using Twig components in WordPress with the Timber Plugin
Challenges and areas for future improvement
By the end of this session you will have a better understanding of when using an external design system could benefit your project, along with a clearer understanding of how this approach could be implemented.
Brian Perry
Brian is a versatile developer with experience building complex, interactive web applications in support of large-scale localized sites. Recently he has focused his efforts on evolving Drupal front-end development practices, decoupled Drupal, and style guide development techniques and has spoken on the topic at various Drupal events. Brian is a Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 Acquia Certified Grand Master and loves all things Nintendo.

- [Brian] Hey everybody!
This is an external
design system in practice.
Hopefully you're in the right place.
If not, we can just take the chairs
that we put out and put them back.
I am Brian Perry.
I'm a lead front end
developer at Bounteous.
I live in the Chicago suburbs,
which is more relevant to say
when you are speaking at other camps.
Substantially less interesting here.
I'm a lover of all things
component and component-driven,
so building with components in Drupal,
design systems, tools like Pattern Lab,
increasingly building with
component-based frameworks,
JAMStack frameworks like React.
I also love all things Nintendo.
Little Mario on my shoulder there.
So how do you talk about the cool games
that you're playing on
your Nintendo Switch?
I'm playing Hollow Knight and Tetris 99.
Turns out Tetris is awesome
again, so that's cool.
I also love learning lately about JAMStack
and static sites, and kind
of alternative approaches
to the traditional LAMP
stack that we're used to.
I'll be talking about
that tomorrow morning
if you want to hear me
talk about more things,
and if you don't, I get it.
So I work at a company called Bounteous
as I mentioned and we have
great Drupal practice.
I work with a bunch of super smart folks,
learn a ton of things from everybody.
Drupal's one of a handful of things
that we do that will come up later.
We also are hiring.
I think we have an open architectural,
so I would love to work with you as well.
You may not know Bounteous,
you may not know me
as someone who works at a
company called Bounteous
and that is because we recently rebranded.
We used to be HS2 Solutions.
This was my company intro slide back then.
That's actually gonna kinda drive
some of the discussion in this talk.
So we're gonna talk
about a rebranding story
that kind of leads to the concept of using
an external design system
and kinda keeping it
outside of Drupal.
I worked on our project
to rebuild our website
as part of the rebrand.
So we're going from HS2
Solutions to Bounteous.
Two different looking websites.
And we're aiming for November 5, 2018
for the brand launch and the website,
although day to day didn't
necessarily feel like this to me,
but the website was one small part
in a larger, coordinated effort.
There were other things that
had to happen on November 5.
Press releases, new email
addresses, business cards,
company swag, all that stuff.
And then as part of this
process, we were migrating
a few sites into a new Drupal 8 build
so the HS2 Solutions site was on Drupal 7
and then part of the rebrand,
we acquired a few companies
and we're also migrating their
data into this Drupal 8 site.
There's the LunaMetric
site which is on WordPress,
and also Infield Digital,
which is also on WordPress.
Nate kinda took the
lead on the migrations.
It was mostly the blog content
that was being migrated in
because we were rebranding
some of the other content
and other components were kind of
being built from scratch
in the new Drupal 8 site
but mostly blog content coming over.
So while that's going
on, at the same time,
I was working with the XD teams,
specifically Leon was
leading the charge here,
and he was doing wire frames in Sketch
and sharing them in InVision,
and I was doing my best to follow along
at the same time in Pattern Lab,
to get some of those proto-types in codes,
so we could see them in browser,
experiment different break points
and just kind of follow along, play along.
Hopefully influence the wire framing
in a way that was helpful.
So I was doing that in Pattern Lab
and that process kind of continued,
so we moved on to, from the wire frames
to some higher fidelity mocks,
adding more of the look and feel there.
So I was taking those prototypes
and again, just trying to come along
and play along at the same time.
So we reached the point here where we have
some data migrated into
the new Drupal 8 site.
We have this separate repository
with these Pattern Lab
prototypes and twig templates,
and compiled CSS and Java script.
So now the question comes.
How are we gonna make
use of this in Drupal,
or as I put it here,
cryptically deciding
where to put the mustard,
because I have a ridiculous
metaphor to explain this.
So it's the concept of mustardayonnaise,
and if you know what that reference is,
I give you a big thumbs up.
It's a sketch comedy deep cut.
Versus having mustard and mayonnaise
as things that are separate
instead of intertwined in one single jar.
What I had actually done,
typically in the past,
taking a component based
approach to Drupal theming,
is to embed Pattern Lab as a tool,
kind of inside of our theme.
And then also a number
of the component based
or Pattern Lab based contrib themes
out there do the same thing.
I think it was kind of a
common approach in general.
It has some pluses.
So it's probably easier to get
at the components in Drupal
if it's just all in the theme,
where you expect things to be.
Potentially simplifies the build process
on the Drupal side in some ways,
and for people who are used to
just looking in their Drupal theme
and finding the files there.
It might be easier for them
to wrap their heads around.
One of the potential
disadvantages to this approach
is it's prone to Drupal specific things
making their way into the components.
If you're using Pattern Lab,
Pattern Lab has to account for
but also it starts to
make these components
things that aren't reusable
and aren't CMS agnostic.
So depending on your project,
that may be a bad thing, it may not.
Versus where we were
at this particular point in the project.
We had Drupal self mostly
migrations going on
protecting in a completely
separate repository
using Pattern Lab as a tool,
so we had separate Drupal repository,
separate design system repository.
Theoretically, we have this design system,
something that could be used
beyond just use in Drupal.
It could be used in different context.
The question you kind of
had to figure out here
where do we want to put the mustard?
So I decided to keep the
mustard separate in this case,
not going with Heinz MayoMust,
which is actually a real thing
that they're going to start selling
if you didn't hear that recently.
I'm sure it tastes great.
I think this has a better
shot at keeping the components
kind of CMS or Drupal agnostic.
I think it does, it kind of depends
on your work flow and approach.
I think it might encourage prototyping
and so it's not entwined into Drupal
and I think if it's embedded in the theme
it's more likely that people are going
to hack things together
and see it in Drupal
rather than taking advantage
of these Pattern Lab prototypes
that can be mixed and matched
and played around with.
It also already was a separate project,
so it's potentially the don't change
what you're doing approach.
And then there were some gut
feelings that went into it.
It's always kind of conceptually felt
like the right way to approach this
even if it hasn't been what I've done.
It's advocated by a bunch of folks
in the community who I
trust as a general approach.
Also, there's the idea
that it might be something
that we could use for
other web-related projects
related to our brand,
and also for us it felt
right for us as a company
because we have a lot of employees
with a diverse set of skills.
These aren't all front end developers
and in fact, I'm sure at this point,
some of these people
don't work here anymore,
but we do have a lot of people
who can write great CSS
java script and HTML
but may not be Drupal folks,
and in theory this would allow more people
from throughout the company to contribute
to the design system and
contribute to our site
in some interesting ways.
Now that we've decided that we're going
to keep the design system separate,
how exactly are we going to go about that
to get it available in Drupal?
So in the design system repository
we need a composer.json file
with just a little bit
of information in it.
So we need to give the project a name
so we can require it as a dependency.
Give it a description.
And then we also specify a
type of design system here.
We'll see how that's used in a second.
And then in the Drupal project,
here's how we're pulling in
this repository as a dependency.
In the repository
section in composer.json,
we have to let it know
about the git repository
where the design system project lives.
So right next to the
Just slightly less important,
but right next to it, in
the repository section.
Under extra here, we
define an installer type
of design system and in the design system
we said that it was of type design system.
So when we pull that in,
we're just specifying what's gonna happen
with the dependency, where
we're going to put it.
So we're saying that the design system
goes in the theme in a
directory called libraries.
Went a little bit back and forth
as to exactly where that should live
and how it should be handled,
but the idea there is hopefully
that's indicating that
this is a dependency
that you're not supposed to be touching.
Did look at just having it
in the vendor directory.
There were some issues,
at least in my experience,
of trying to reach in the theme
into kind of deep vendor directories.
And I also wanted this to be a dependency,
not of the theme, but
of the project itself.
So there's some of the
complications there.
Once you do that, you can require
that project as a dependency
so we can say composer require
and give a really
readable short name here,
and we require the design system at dev
for most of the pre-launch cycle.
Then when we want to pull in updates,
we just run composer update.
On the Drupal side here, we have control
of when we actually want to pull in
the latest features and components
of the design system.
We also tag major systems
in the design system.
We did still, most of the time,
kind of just point at
the head for the project,
but there were situations
where we did require a specific tag.
It was also helpful a few times
to be able to roll back
to a particular tag
in the design system, so nice
that that was possible to do.
We have it now as a dependency.
Here are a couple things that we did
just to take advantage of
those assets in the theme.
So in our libraries.yml file,
we had a global library that pointed
to the compiled CSS file
and a couple other Java script bundles.
So that just makes that stuff available.
In the info.yml file, using
the components module,
we defined a few twig namespaces.
So the images namespace
was really just a shortcut
for some assets that we're
using throughout the theme.
The others are just the main section
of the atomic folders in the
Pattern Lab design system.
We're not actually using the
typical atomic design naming,
but it's kind of in the neighborhood.
At that point, well those
templates are available to Drupal.
We can reference them in other templates,
all of that good stuff.
Moving on to a little bit
more of the build as well,
this is kind of a workflow
that the team fell into
that I thought was useful and interesting.
So we've got Sean here, and
Sean can certainly Drupal,
but I think what Sean does really well
is write really good
HTML, CSS and Java script
that may not be particular
to a certain CMS.
He can really bang that stuff out.
So he works in the design system.
Primarily building out all
of the additional components
that we needed for launch.
He only ended up having two
commits in the Drupal project
for the whole time that he worked on it,
but without him, we would
not have had a theme.
Then Wade was kind of the
glue man in the middle
who was wiring Drupal
into those components
and integrating things,
building some things on the back end,
mapping into those components.
So most of his effort was
in the Drupal repository
but there would be cases where
he would make adjustments
in the design system,
either perhaps something
that wasn't really accounted for
when the component was built in isolation
or admittedly, just
things to make his life
or the life of Drupal just a
little easier in some cases.
That general split seemed
to work pretty well
and I think a lot of people to
be efficient and work on some of the stuff
that they are great at working on.
As the project goes on,
there were some interesting
changes in Scope.
I think the fact that we happen to have
an external design system allowed us
to make some interesting choices
that helped us in the build.
I wish it really wasn't
much more of a gut feeling
that got us to this point in some ways,
but in hind sight, it really helped a lot.
The LunaMetrics site, they
offer a number of trainings
and Bounteous still does now,
we actually had Google
Analytics and Google Tag
management training yesterday,
but they have a training
section on their website
where they list all the upcoming trainings
and you can register and
sign up for the trainings
and we reached the point where
the training portion of the site
wasn't gonna be able to be in our scope
with the time line that we had.
There was also some new
functionality integrations
that were part of the trading section
that we just weren't going to be able
to rebuild in Drupal on the
time that we needed to do it.
We came to the conclusion
that we could let
the training section of the
existing WordPress site live on,
but it was going to have
to match the look and feel
of the rest of the Drupal 8 site.
We're actually really
well suited to do that
because we have this
external design system.
I don't know that we would
have even been able to do this
without it, or it would have
been a lot less fun I think.
For that, we worked with Wahila Creative.
They had done the theming of
the original WordPress site
and were available to handle this re-skin,
and we needed some extra hands.
So they had that familiarity.
They also introduced us
to the Timber plug in
which is something I had
never heard of before,
which is pretty awesome,
and it allows you to
use Twig in WordPress.
I really liked their slogan there,
that because WordPress is
awesome, but the loop isn't.
For the initial prototype
that they put together
to show that it would be feasible
to have WordPress training section
look like the rest of our Drupal 8 site,
they used Timber pretty extensively.
So they were actually
using the Twig templates
from the design system and passing data,
in some cases kind of static into it,
in the initial prototype.
But I think it allowed
them to move pretty fast
with that initial phase there.
This is just an example
of what that looks like.
So here on the training page,
we have a listing of upcoming trainings
and each row is a training item component.
So in this training-module.php file here,
there's a wrapping div
and then a four loop
that goes through the data
available to the templates
and assembles a training element
and it's essentially just
an array of all the data
that we want available to that row.
If you look at it, it's
really not all that different
from the sort of mappings we would do
to pass data into a
Twig template in Drupal
or a render array or something like that.
In the training-element.php template here,
it has all the data that we
assembled available to it
and we can actually just say Timber render
provide the Twig template that we want
to render that data using
and pass the data into it.
The end result we get,
that training section
using those components.
So we were able to take
the old LunaMetrics site,
re-skin it to match the
Bounteous look and feel,
include it in the main-nav,
and have our secret WordPress section.
We did kind of leading up to the launch
I think take a little less advantage
of the Timber functionality
to take a bit of a more
traditional approach to get
it across the finish line.
That'll come up a little bit later.
Very close to launch,
we had another company
join the Bounteous family.
Real close to launch.
That certainly did effect what we were
and were not able to do here.
Demac Media was gonna be
rebranded as
and it was gonna be a smaller scale site,
acknowledging that there was
gonna be some differences
in the look and feel, partially
because of the timeline.
It resulted in a more manual
and more selective use
of the things in the design system,
but it definitely made the
conversation a lot easier
when some of our teams got together
to talk about what we're gonna do here.
I was able to say
we have this design system project.
It's up on Bitbucket here,
we can give you access to it.
Explain a little bit about what's there,
what tools are there and
basically at that point,
they had had the opportunity to use it
however they see fit.
As I mentioned, they kind
of pulled specific assets
and certain classes from it,
but it's certainly better than them
not having anything and just
going and scraping our website
or looking at our Drupal
repository or something.
So I think that helped there too.
Post launch, we made November
and we had our relaunch
site with the new brand,
pulling in data from the other sites,
our training sites living on,
which was super exciting.
So we continue updates to the site
and post launch fixes
and things like that.
I rolled off, as far as day to day
and moving on to some other projects
and other folks rolled on.
Kyle and Steve have been doing some work
and now at this point
the majority of the fixes
and tickets that they're working with
are kind of specific to Drupal
and also probably the external
design system approach
and some of this workflow
was kind of new to them.
Paraphrasing here, but I feel like they
kinda got a little bit of the feeling
like why can't I just Drupal?
What's with having to make changes
in the external design
system and things like that?
Certainly learned some lessons
in the experience of on-boardings
and people to this after the fact.
It really stressed how
important the documentation is
for something like this.
I did my best to try to
have details in the read me,
have a lot of MPM scripts
that are gonna help
with the general workflow
and build process,
stuff on confluence but I think that
what would have been helpful is actually
more information on not
just how things are done
but why we're taking this approach
and why it's useful for this project
and the ways that it might be helping us.
This is actually something
that I was able to get in place
before we rolled new
people into the project.
It became apparent that we
needed to improve the process
for people being able to
experiment within Drupal.
It's pretty cumbersome to have
to make a small little fix in Drupal
and see it on it's feet, to have to go
into the design system,
make a commit there,
pull things in via composer.
See that it wasn't what you wanted.
So we added some gulp tasks
that basically allow you to clone
the repository alongside
the Drupal project,
make changes and experiment,
copy it over to Drupal,
see what the changes are
and know that that's exactly
what you wanna commit
to the design system.
It basically just made it easier
to experiment in both places.
You wanna prototype in the design system?
Great, that's what it's suited for.
And if you wanna do some
more experimentation
for quick fixes in Drupal,
that's a little bit easier too.
So that was pretty important.
When the day to day of your work
is in a particular CMS,
I do wanna acknowledge
that there is some overhead.
So I think it helped us
in the lead up to launch
but some overhead after the fact.
So I mentioned the fact that we also did
not take advantage of the Timber approach
exclusively on the WordPress site.
We definitely into things,
I think this is, in a weird way
I was kind of happy to hear this,
but we made visual fixes
on the Drupal site,
like the hover for the training
component or something.
And the expectation
that a change in Drupal
to a component that has a related piece
on the WordPress site is going to work.
So we're working on layering in that more,
but it really wasn't apparent to me
basically how much worth
the effort it would be
to have that one consistent thing,
because I think this
is people's expectation
in explaining to people that
oh actually that's the
WordPress portion of the site.
It's just not what people expect.
So we're trying to
layer some of that stuff
back on after the fact.
So kind of wrapping up here,
so the kind of question
that you might be left with
hearing about some of this and
even me for future projects
is if an external design
system would be right
and where you should put the mustard
in your particular case.
It's tough, it's kind
of gonna be something
that's a case by case or
project by project basis.
I read on the Lullabot blog,
and they had a great
podcast episode about it,
about their rebuild of
and very interesting in general,
and it's not directly
related to the concept
of having an external design system.
They were very intentionally
trying to focus
with their rebuild on
trying to keep things
kind of traditional Drupal
and use as much of Core as possible
and really take advantage of the fact
that they have a bunch of Drupal experts.
So that's a case where the overhead
for keeping this external
might not be worth it,
especially if they don't have ways
they know they're going
to reuse those components
for other things related
to the Lullabot brand.
So things that you might
consider when thinking about this
is if there really is gonna be value
in being able to reuse those components
and even from my
experience on this project,
it's hard to know for sure.
I didn't really know until
we were part of the way
through the build and
some of the scope changed
that this was actually
gonna be a huge advantage.
Something that I always go back to,
and I always wanna see as much
prototyping and code done as possible,
but the role that prototypes
play in the project
might influence your decision there.
Is prototyping and code important?
Do you want to publish your
design system independently?
That's another reason that
it should live separately.
And other questions are just
gonna be team composition,
like how is this workflow
gonna fit into your team's workflow?
Is it something that kind of
works with people's skill sets?
And then the general makeup as well.
Is it gonna allow more
people to contribute or not?
So again, I don't think there's
a simple, easy answer here,
but something that you
kind of have to think of
on a case by case basis.
But again, considering that this site
is something that I'd like
to be able to see more people
outside of just our Drupal
folks to be able to pitch in on.
I'm hoping it has some advantages to come,
and again I think it really helped us
in the lead up to launch in some ways
that I just was not
gonna be able to predict.
That's that, a couple of other things.
There's a Contribution Day
on Saturday from 10AM to 4PM
and Amy June's gonna be doing a training.
I'm gonna be helping triage some issues
related to the new Admin theme
that folks are working on,
so I'd love to collaborate with people
who are going to be around on Saturday,
and drink lots of coffee with you.
Additionally, there is a feedback
form on the session node,
also a link to the slides if
you want to check them out
outside of this, but I'd love
to hear everybody's feedback.
This is my first time giving this talk.
I hope to give it again,
so it would be awesome
to hear your thoughts.
And then thanks and questions?
Like two and a half
minutes worth of questions.
- So the design system that you have
is published independently.
Is it more like Pattern Lab,
where it's a little bit
more developer focused?
Or is it more like Brad
Frost's Style Guide guide
kind of situation, where
it's more marketing
and editorial focused?
- The question was if the
external design system
was more like Pattern Lab
and more of a developer tool,
or more like Brad Frost's
Style Guide guide,
which is more of a
potentially marketing tool,
and kind of more broad documentation.
More Pattern Lab.
I did actually work on trying to integrate
the Style Guide guide project as well
and kind of just ran out of time there.
I am definitely a big
believer in that concept,
of there being able to be a place
for a developer to experiment,
and a place for clean, clear
component documentation,
but a lot of stuff going on.
- It seems like this would be useful
even if you were just
doing a headless Drupal,
or progressive Lab app,
even if you didn't have
WordPress to build.
- Yup, I would agree with that.
The comment was it seems
like it would be useful
if you were doing a headless build.
Yeah, I agree.
It kinda depends a little bit
on the different frameworks
you're using and things like that.
One thing that I'm considering
on a current project
that has a react component to it,
I've been looking through
a few people's prodding,
I think it's CSS modules,
which is a CSS and JS option,
but what I think that
actually worked pretty well
with a design system like this
where you have individual
component CSS files
that you can pull into the
Java script components.
That was a weird, twisty, long-winded way
to agree with you, I guess.
- So you mentioned that one of the pros
of having them integrated is that...
You said Drupal agnostic, or CMS agnostic
to have it separate.
And so in my experience,
there's always been a case of
getting the Pattern Lab
templates to work in Drupal
required some special
stuff to make it work.
So I'm wondering with keeping it agnostic,
how then did you make it work into Drupal?
Did you have to modify the templates
in the Drupal theme there,
or did you just kind
of avoid those pitfalls
as much as you could?
- Yeah, and also probably
because we're wrapping up in time
is something we can follow up with later,
because that's probably
a larger discussion,
but the question is really about
how we integrated the Drupal
data into the components
and how we did that successfully.
Yeah, there could actually
probably be a separate talk
about that particular question,
but along the way, I
think we learned some ways
that we could build our component
that were not Drupal-ly in a way?
But a little bit easier to integrate into.
Some lessons learned there,
but I think that there were
some tricks that we learned
about how we could, like a simple example,
and this is something that I've given
as examples in previous talks,
but something like an image,
rather than having individual slots
for the image path and the
alt text and those things,
if we use a higher level variable,
just like an image variable,
we can just let Drupal
do what it does well,
and spit that out in there,
and that's the situation
where Drupal, or WordPress,
they can just give an image,
and we don't have to be as worried about
the individual pieces
and parts of the CMSes
and how they pass into that.
Yeah, I'd love to talk more about that.
- Quick question.
So now that it's sort of
like decoupled from Drupal,
what about taking that
another step forward
and decoupling the different components
within the system, sort of
like what Bolt does right now
where you can include just
the elements that you need
to keep your CSS and
java script load down?
- Yeah, so that question
slash comment was about
doing something like the Bolt system
or other design systems
where you can require
individual components.
Yeah, I also think that is
an interesting and cool idea
and just one we weren't able to tackle.
We're up on time.
Happy to talk more after
this or throughout, thanks.
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