Join us in the main room to kick off the event!
>> Welcome, everybody, to MidCamp 2020. Thank you very much for being here and bearing with us through these incredibly challenging times in the world.
We're going to get started. We've got a lot to say, and we've got a great team to say it, so I'm going to kick it over to Qymana.
>> Hello. So, we're going to just talk about code of conduct real quick. MidCamp is dedicated to a safe, inclusive, welcome, and harassment free conference experience for everyone. All attendees, speakers, trainers, sponsors, and volunteers at MidCamp are required to abide by the MidCamp Code of Conduct at the conference and at social or other events hosted or sponsored by MidCamp sponsors.
This also extends to the digital spaces at MidCamp. So, all Zoom rooms, Slack rooms, et cetera. To see the full code of conduct, you can go to To get support for an incident, if you experience something or witness something, please reach out to either myself or Matthew Needham. You can email [email protected]. There's a phone number as well. 574 514 4237, and that's United States phone number, so the country code would be like plus 1. But yeah, those are the code of conduct words. We hope everyone has a safe and respectful conference.
>> Thank you, Qymana.
Next we are going to thank all of our wonderful sponsors. As you all know, we've had a challenging time the last couple weeks. All of these folks have stuck with us through everything that's going on, and we really, really appreciate their support. We couldn't have done this without them. Yeah, it's been great.
So, first thanks to our core sponsors., Bounteous, Pantheon, and Clarity. Palantir has been with us since the beginning. Pantheon and Clarity are sponsoring captioning, so every session today and tomorrow is captioned by a professional live captioner, which is going to be really super, and those will all be up on the slides. Bounteous has I believe given us many, many people to help with lots of things.
Our supporting sponsors are and Evolving Web. Acquia is supporting the Contribution Day. Saturday, there will be Contribution Day and they'll have a lot more words on that shortly.
Finally, our community sponsors, a whole lot of folks stepped up to be community sponsors this year and appreciate That. Breakthrough Technologies, interactive business systems, Promet source, Kanopi studios, Lullabot, Porch, PMMI, Elevated Third, Four Kitchens, and Chromatic. Thanks to all of those folks.
We also have a job board, You should head over there if you're looking. That's open to our sponsors.
Next up, I'm going to pass to Kevin.
>> Hello, everybody. So, when we decided to go virtual, we decided we were going to refund all tickets and a lot of folks reached out to say basically, please don't refund my ticket, we still want to support you.
And so we kept individual sponsors open and available, so all these fine folks have just donated money to MidCamp. We definitely appreciate it. This has been throughout this whole ordeal, and I said this on Twitter, I'm very vocal about how supportive the community is, especially for vent organizers, which is immensely helpful when people are when we're faced with these tough decisions. Can't please everybody, so this has been super, super uplifting.
And then if we could go to the next slide, we also have an amazing organizing team. We definitely have I think one of the strongest teams this year than we've ever had, because, again, we've pushed the limits of what we can do through earning that. It's been an enormous undertaking and extremely gratifying. So, thanks, everybody.
And thanks, everybody, for coming to join us.
>> Cool. All right. I'm going to say some words about our virtual camp, as we are dealing with some website issues. So, more words on that momentarily.
Just a couple words on the current situation in the world. We all know what's going on. But, just to reiterate I think what folks have already figured out. Be safe, help your community flatten the curve, stay inside. Do all the things. Don't go out if you don't need to.
Support your local small businesses and restaurants. A lot of folks are hurting right now. Calling people on the phone to make your carryout or delivery orders is the best way to support your local businesses. If you order through third party services, they're all going to take a cut at some point, even if they're doing good things right now. So, use the phone. It will help.
Support your local food banks and charities if you're at all able. If you're here, you're probably, you know, have a job still, which I think we're all very privileged to be in this place. So, yeah, be generous and just kind of be excellent to each other, look out for everybody. Give air hugs, or self hugs.
On Twitter, we're #MidCamp and@Midwestcamp. And we've got a slack channel. As we are dealing with as we're dealing with website issues, Slack is going to be the most reliable place to get information. So, if you're not on Slack already, at, that will give you an auto invite. We will have links to all of the Zoom. Radios posted in Slack very shortly, and so, if you and the schedule. So if you have website troubles, go to Slack and the general channel, we will have more information there. Yeah.
So, hopefully will
>> It's up. The website is up.
>> It's up? It's good? Cool. So the website will be there, It's got all of the latest details.
And just some logistics for the Zoom rooms. On the website, every session has a link that says go to a room. That will open the virtual Zoom Room for the session. The rooms are available to join throughout the day. They've been locked through this morning, so as I'm talking, we will be unlocking the sessions. Aaron will be unlocking the other session rooms, then you'll be able to go hit those up.
This room is our hallway track, so we're going to leave this open to conversation. We'll be able to shuffle folks into breakout rooms and kind of manage that. That's still a work in progress, but you're welcome to hang out in this channel, in this Zoom Room, if you want to just hang out and talk.
The code of conduct applies, as Qymana said, in all of our virtual spaces, so please don't get in trouble. We're recording all the sessions and sharing them. This is obviously very different from our normal big red buttons, and it's going to be a work in progress. Yeah. So, bear with us on that. We're going to do our best.
Also, in Slack, there's a channel per Zoom Room, so each Slack channel is named like the Zoom room, such as meeting 312. You're welcome to join those and carry on any discussions that you have in the Zoom rooms. We only have 15 minutes between sessions, so we're going to be cycling people through those rooms pretty quickly.
Also, just on Zoom Room management, we've got a couple of addendums to the speaker and host, instructions that we shared in the last few days. I'm asking that speakers, hosts, and room monitors add just parentheses after their name to note that you are a speaker, a host, or a room monitor. So we'll have hosts and room monitors in each of the Zoom rooms. They'll be recording, they'll be assisting speakers, and they'll be there to deal with any issues that you might have. So if you have any problems, feel free to ping these folks in Zoom.
Zoom is also having Cloud recording issues over the last couple days. Obviously, due to incredibly high demand. We're asking speakers to record your session locally if you feel comfortable doing that.
There are instructions on the speaker resources page on how to do that. There are a couple settings we're asking you to change. So please, if you are able, do that, too. We're going to mute folks by default, just to keep things manageable. There's a raise hand button in the participants list, so if you'd like to ask a question, raise your hand, and host or room monitor will get to you. Depending on the speaker, it may be immediately, or it may be at the end during Q&A time, and that's going to be up to each speaker.
If you're checking out speaker resources for the updates since we did the trainings. Thanks.
One more note from me. We'll have some surveys, so every session is going to have a session rating form, just like every other year. You'll be able to go to session spaces and provide feedback to the speakers soon after the session is finished.
We'll also have a post camp survey for feedback. That's a work in progress right now, but we will share the link widely, via email, Slack, and social media.
We're doing this all for the first time, so we would really appreciate knowing what you like, what you didn't like, what we can keep, what we can stop. So, thanks in advance for that.
Next up, I'm going to pass it over to Andy to talk about accessibility. I think.
>> ANDREW OLSON: I think I'm unmuted now. Everybody hear me? For this event, we wanted to make it as inclusive for all participants, because everybody should be able to experience all the great content and sessions that we have today. Go ahead and go to the next slide.
So, each of the five Zoom meeting rooms that we have is captioned. So, thanks to Clarity and Pantheon for covering a portion of the cost of that. But what that means in each of those five rooms, there's an actual person that is listening to the audio and providing captions. And how you can see that is in the bottom of your Zoom interface, you can self select to click on it and choose to see the closed captioning. You also have the option to view the full transcripts.
And to that point, after the event is done, we will get a full transcript of that session and it will be cleaned up by our captioning provider, which is ACS. They're in Chicago. And we will be able to post those transcripts to the session page as well, and per the recordings, we'll be able to upload that as real transcripts for the YouTube.
That's all I have, Avi. Thanks so much to our sponsors and offering this great wave so everybody can experience our sessions.
>> Cool. Yeah. Thanks, everybody.
Next up, over to AmyJune to talk about contribution.
>> Good morning. First of all, I want to thank everybody in the community who has kind of stepped up to the plate to help lead initiatives, because it's a little hard to do all the initiatives from one room. And very much like the sessions, what will happen is we'll all have our own little Zoom rooms to contribute and do things.
But first, I want to talk about Contribution Day as a whole. So, everyone is invited. No person is too novice to contribute to Drupal where we're going to be having a first time contribution workshop in the morning from 10:00 to noon, followed by a mentored distribution, and there will be a separate room for that. It won't be recorded, so people can have the solace in knowing that their questions and answers are candid, and so our collaborations will be will be it will allow the freedom for people to feel like they can ask questions and not worry about other people hearing them.
So, some of the initiatives we have this year, and we have a good list this year, because we have plenty of space now, we're working on the D9 readiness initiative. So, please join in that in getting everyone's contributed modules up to date. We'll be working on Rector, which is a project that saves a lot of manual work by automating tasks to get projects up to date.
Irina from Stanford will be around to help work on the feeds migrate module, which will create a button for one step updates from Drupal 7 to 8 or 9.
We'll also be having people over to work on the new Alvero, the front end theme for Drupal. Help topics will also be a great task for novice beginners to work on, because there's really no code. It's mostly documentation. And if you can make an edit, if you can look for grammar and that kind of thing, this is a perfect first step into contributing to Drupal. And we'll also be working on the Live Captioning Initiative with Andy and Qymana. I do want to clarify the web page right now. The web page has rooms linking to the different virtual contrib spaces. But those rooms right now are for sessions, and so those links are really for Saturday. If you click on them today, you'll be entering the sessions that are going on today. So there is no true contribution happening today and tomorrow, but if you want to hop into the hallway track and check in with folks, you're welcome to do that and collaborate.
When we're in those individual contrib rooms on Saturday, they will link to the appropriate Slack rooms too for continued collaboration.
And I really want to thank Acquia for providing the space for us and all those individual people who came and stepped up to the plate with helping those initiatives. Remember, everyone can get back to Drupal. Just ping me in. I can help you get started with that. And those are my words.
>> Thanks, AmyJune.
Next up, we are going to talk about socials, and Doug is going to do that.
>> Hi, all. This year, we're trying something new for socials and going virtual. We'll see how this goes. We'll put up surveys after, so your feedback is very welcome and would be very much appreciated.
So tonight at 6:00 p.m., we have a virtual game night. It is sponsored by, so thank you to Palantir for sponsoring. We will be using Discord for chat. It has both text channels as well as voice channels. I believe we have something like 12 voice channels, so we can split out there as needed.
If you want more details, we'll be using Board Game Arena for games, and if you want more details, you can go to If you have any if the site is still down tonight, let us know and we can provide direct links.
And then tomorrow night, we are doing a virtual movie night. For this, we'll be using Netflix Party. Unfortunately, it requires using Chrome and installing a Chrome extension as well as a Netflix subscription or trial. You can sign up for a seven day trial. Unfortunately, it requires a card or some form of payment method, but Netflix is a little better than others, and it will send you a reminder email three days before it actually charges, so you can watch that.
And we would like to have you help us decide what movie we watch, and you can submit movie submissions until tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. There is a link on So, hopefully everyone can join our virtual socials.
>> All right. Thanks very much, Doug. Those are going to be pretty fun.
So, some final words. MidCamp is put on by the or is financially supported by the Midwest Open Source Alliance. MOSA is an organization that promotes the education, support, and development of Drupal and open source community. So we're a non profit 501c3. We work with MidCamp, Twin Cities Drupal and a few other events. If you need support for your Drupal event, come chat.
Also, Drupal association, we want to make sure that folks know about the DA and are supporting them. In case you haven't heard, Drupal Con yesterday, it was announced that it's postponed with details TBD.
But the Drupal Association does a lot of good work and a lot of their support comes from Drupal Con. So, again in these times, it would be great to support them as well. Yeah.
So, anybody can be a member of Drupal Association. People and organizations are some of the most active contributors in all of Drupal, and you can connect with the whole community. At, you can do that.
And again, if you are part of an organization and you're not already, please think about becoming a supporting partner, hosting partner, or technology partner. And all of those do a lot of work to pay for making Drupal possible. So, go to for that.
With that, those are all of our words. A few final notes. We are working on website issues. If you have trouble, just try refreshing. The fine folks that host our website are on top of this and they're working really hard to figure that out right now.
We also had some Slack join issues going on. If you still have trouble, I believe we tweeted a link on how to join the Slack, so check out MidCamp on Twitter for the slack join.
Yes. If you want to become a supporter of the Drupal Association thanks, Rachel go to
That is all for us. Sessions start in about just under ten minutes. Again, the links to those sessions are on the website. They're also posted in Slack, and we hope you all have a great day. Today and tomorrow.
Again, if you need any help, there's the code of conduct. Also @organizers in slack, you can tweet us, we're around, and we're going to do everything we can to make this the best virtual camp that Drupal has ever had.
So, thanks, everybody.
>> Yay.
>> Woohoo!