Amazee Labs prides itself on delivering projects our clients love. Our scrum teams turn out projects like a well-oiled machine, working in tandem with a client-side PO in an agile way to gather specifications, build, test, and deploy. Rinse, repeat.
But what happens when you start working on a project which turns your way of working upside down? How do you keep your sanity and support your team while keeping your client happy?
This year, team Austin landed a great client who we adore, but who came with a lot of baggage. Everything is different, from deployments and workflows to conflicting Scrum methodology and many people wearing a Project Manager hat. Don't even get me started on disparate terminology. The heck is a timebox?
With a multi-department sign-off process and a complex org structure, no decision is quickly or easily won.
To make matters worse, we thought it would be a great time to throw a completely new technology at the team. Here, learn React!
The good news is, we're delivering great work, and our joint team is now stronger than ever.
I can’t tell you how to fix your client woes, but I can tell you what's worked for us.
It involves a lot of meetings.
But you knew that.
If you saw this session at BADcamp, many days have passed since then and it's different now.
Stephanie El-Hajj
Project Manager @ Amazee LabsI hail from Austin, Texas and see the world in shades of taco. And queso. Walking foodie stereotype.
alright guys welcome to too many cooks
supporting augmented teams about getting
salty my name is Stephanie I'll be our
presenter for the duration of this
session as you could tell from the great
high music that I had playing before we
started there are some good things and
some bad things about too many cooks one
of the good things is that they have
theme music the bad thing is the rest of
the session so Hugh get started let's
talk about selfie um I learned after I
had presented after I'd submitted this
session that some people didn't know
what that meant apparently it is a newer
word so I provided the definition so
that we're all on the same page about
what this means to be upset we're bitter
to feel darkness
in your belly when you are encountering
this thing that is upsetting you is to
feel salty typically not a positive
thing and associated with poor
experiences just set the stage for
intersession so to give you also an idea
for people who are not familiar with
augmented teams I found a video that can
better describe or show in the wild and
what an Augmented team can look like and
why you would want to have one
disappears just get our ears so the
takeaways from that is that one team was
not able to solve the problem on their
own and so they needed to bring in a
second or augmented team to support them
okay in the what so so this is pretty
normal like you have it all in all kinds
of instances you can have a web
development you can have it in the
criminal justice system it's very
diverse and all over and they just don't
always call it Augmented teams but
they're all over so let me tell you a
little bit about myself so that you know
why I am capable of standing up here and
telling you about augmented teams I'm a
project manager for amazing lens amazing
loves it a web development agency here
well not here in Austin Texas
Zurich Switzerland and Cape Town South
Africa we've been around for seven years
we just don't know ten years we just had
our amazing 10 last year and as you can
tell I'm into trashy TV dramas involving
crime oh yeah so before when I've done
presentations I've I tend to stick kind
of to the same subject they talk about
touchy feely things rather than like
tangible take away a type of things
either because of my role as a project
manager or just because it's really hard
to say here's a specific thing go and
take this and apply it to your lives
because everybody's situation is very
different so I tend to be more like
here's a general combination of words
let's try to get you to internalize them
adapt them to your life so when I first
did a presentation I did it on
recruiting entertaining volunteers you
can basically change out volunteers to
be teams because the components and the
elements of that are all very similar
you want to make sure that the people
that you're working with they're awesome
you want to make sure that they're also
very happy and you want to make sure
that they have a great team dynamic
working together the second talk I did
was how amazing Labs in an agile it took
us like two years to learn how to do it
I think we're in a pretty good place so
this third talk is kind of an
amalgamation of those two things being
put to the test with an outside
influence and odd when two team that we
started working with so I kind of like
how all my topics merged together like I
mentioned before your mileage may vary
with with the content of my talk
obviously it's very specific to my
situation but there should be a lot of
things that are similar to your work
life as a note this is the actual terms
and conditions from take
their moment to really wait a minute so
a little bit more about amazing labs
just to get a good idea of what we do we
are distributed and we're used to
working with people from different
countries we have people in three hubs
but we actually have employees all over
the world we have a guy in Tunisia I
don't know where that is but I know that
it's far so we're used to working
remotely and we're used to working with
people with different backgrounds
different time zones like all kinds of
things that would normally make like
daily life confusing awkward difficult
until you figure it out that's our
normal life and so we kind of have a
step up I think from a lot of agencies
who might just have companies who are
all in the same location and so that
makes working as a
an Augmented team a lot more easier
because you've already figured out some
of those hard things along the way so
how do you know if you want to augment
your team so when I first presented this
people felt that it meant if amazing you
wanted to augment their team and that's
not what this is about so this is from
the client side of hiring so this is the
flow chart of I have either eternal web
agency or I have an eternal dev team or
ODS already have an internal dev team
and you have a big project coming up
that you want to release and so now
you're stuck with this this decision
tree of do I want to add to my team who
do I want to hire someone or do I want
to pay someone else to come and kind of
pick this up for me so the decision tree
says do I have enough internal resources
to do this yes does my team have the
skill necessary to make this happen
because you might have tons of bodies
but like if they don't know how to do
for example react and you're trying to
do or we have project your to do that
and so you want to bring someone in if
you don't have the resource to do it or
you have the resources but they're busy
doing something else you might want to
bring in an external team as well just
to make sure that you can accomplish the
project another option is actually
bringing in freelancers but if you
already don't have the resources because
the because your internal team is busy
with other things and you don't have
time to onboard a freelancer or babies
of the freelancer then you also want to
think about bringing an external team
who can work independently yeah so it's
like my teens so before you can start
adding other people to your team you
need to kind of know what the dynamic is
of your own team so amazing a lot of
Austin works very differently from
amazing lab Zurich and amazing labs Cape
Town we know this and for that reason
when we start doing intercompany work we
know specifically like what quirks that
we need to incorporate to make that
work-life transition easier so for
example with our team we have a very
specific set of scrum rituals that we
follow they're very just ever so
slightly from our other teams on Mondays
we do specification of planning which is
our review of all the things that need
to be done or talking about those on
Tuesday we do all of our normal scrum
rituals like sprint planning and sprint
estimation and retrospective and so we
have like we also do daily stand-ups so
we have these things in our everyday
life that kind of set the rhythm of what
we do during a sprint which is two weeks
for us and so everyone kind of knows the
role that they play in that we have a
scrum master we have a regular dev team
who kind of do diverse things we've got
a designer and then we have me who plays
the role of p.m. they have POS like it's
the same thing so don't worry about it
so the other thing about our team is
that we do certain things because we
know how the other people on the team
interact like we know that if we want to
have someone do a technical design
review we take it to X person you want
to have someone do the very back in
heavy tech review we take it to another
person so we're all very comfortable
with each person's role in the team so
that we kind of work like a well-oiled
machine we don't think about it it's
like when you go to a kitchen if you're
in a well-run kitchen in a restaurant
you won't hear them talking they just
sort of know when you know so-and-so has
the oven open they do this when
so-and-so has a knife in their hand they
do this it says all very like musical
and really nice to watch when you go
into the kitchen and they're people
shouting at each other and fires and
things like that if you know that they
don't have that same kind of rhythm and
so the first scenario is kind of what
you want your team
to be like you want them to be calm and
know what everyone is doing and be able
to just kind of trust that everyone is
taking care of their parts so when you
bring in people who are not part of your
team or are new so think about like the
last time you hired someone and you
brought that person into your team they
always bring things that are unique to
themselves so they might leave comments
in JIRA tickets differently they might
not use gifts I don't know you hire them
but they might not use gifts like each
person when you bring them in has quirks
and that those courts that they bring in
change the dynamic of your team and so
like if you've ever seen a company's
hiring they usually try not to hire big
groups of people at one time because we
do that you can either dilute like the
company culture that you currently have
going on in good or bad ways usually bad
ways but it makes it so that when people
come in they don't know which culture
that they're watching that they should
be absorbing so the same thing happens
with one person you bring them in and
what you want to do is you want to make
them as like as part of your team as
quickly as possible without disrupting
the rest of the team
so with augmented teams you basically
take that one new hire and you like
instantly grow it so instead of bringing
in one new person you have to make like
follow your way of life you have five
six seven eight new people and that's
what happens to us so when you bring in
an Augmented team it's basically The
Brady Bunch you have one team one family
he's used to doing things in a certain
way and you have another team or another
family used to doing things in a
different way and they might be similar
you might both do Christmas but one of
them does Christmas presents on
Christmas Eve the other might do in on
Christmas morning one one of the
families might do brunch on Sundays the
other one might sleep in so you have
very similar starting sending
circumstances but when you combine them
you get problems you get fights you get
people who are wondering why this person
thought it was okay to get skim milk
instead of 2% milk people get upset and
you have her feelings and all of these
things are simple miscommunications and
just a matter of like figuring out how
to make them not affect your life so
badly but at the beginning it's always
going to be problematic so needless to
say when we started our Augmented
project we made a lot of mistakes we
learned the hard way that when you bring
in a new team that things change the
dynamic of the team teams changed and
the way that you currently do your work
will mean adjustments like you want to
be able to continue life as it was so
I'm very Pro augmenting teams now but at
the time of this of this project I felt
very differently so the presentation is
going to be a lot of here's what we did
maybe don't do that then here's how we
resolve it at the end and no cats were
actually harmed in the making this so
the first mistake
is that we made assumptions about what
it was going to be like to work with
this other team when we normally bring
on a new project we kind of give the
ground rules we go in and we say hey
we're amazing love's here's how we do
chairs bla bla bla bla we're gonna
follow all of these steps and at the end
you're gonna get a website right yay and
we try doing that with this project and
we forgot that the other team hadn't
ever been on the project with us before
and so all these things that we thought
that were just normal in the way of
doing business
hadn't been communicated to them and so
the first thing we did wrong is we said
give us one person on your team who's
going to be the product owner for your
team and whoever that person is is gonna
be the one point of contact that we
talked to to make decisions and to tell
us what we're going to be building and
go up a lot and it made sense to us like
you want to have one point of contact
that you're talking to you so that
you're not having like 50 people tell
you what to do the problem is is that
that person heard what we were looking
for and interpreted it through their way
of doing business and we were given the
wrong person we found this out a few
months into the project so yeah so that
was the first biggest problem that we
encountered and the rest of the mistakes
we made kind of fall out of this being
that decision so when you have a project
you want to make sure it's versus my
project manager project miners
perspective is that you know who's
driving the bus and this is not the same
as who's in charge there is a difference
you want to have one person who makes
sure that like the notes are done that
there's a repository for things that
like the the notes are picked up and
that everyone's kind of on the same page
for things and you also want to have one
person who to say yes to know two things
and we didn't have any of that defined
the problem was is that on our side we
and on their side they have to PM's one
of those PM's was also the PIO and so we
had three people all who are supposed to
kind of do the same thing and all who
weren't doing the same thing and so like
balls were getting dropped and people
were getting confused about whose role
was what and it was also really
difficult for the people who are also in
the two teams to know who to look to
when there was question or should we
move forward with this are we okay with
the budget it was really problematic and
it wasn't just at the PA level and the
PM level this was happening so on the
project said we had eight people who
attended all the meetings and at the
beginning we knew who won their roles
were because they had titles but we
didn't actually know what those roles
meant because no one was playing their
part at these meetings that we were
having because it wasn't clear what
everyone should be doing at those
meetings so what was happening is that
there was no direct there was no one to
look at when when decisions needed to be
made and so people would offer up
suggestions and be like well what about
this what about this and it made it very
difficult for people to for us to move
forward with the project which is very
no one wanted to step on anyone elses
toes no one wanted to be the leader it
just was a mess the other problem is
that we spent a lot of time building
array see if you know what array C is
it's responsible a terrible something
something totally useless because it's
document that if you don't look at and
you go use it's just something that you
build and then you put it away and then
no one ever looks at it and it's a huge
waste of time but it gave people an idea
that they did have a role which was also
confusing because we never actually
referenced those roles that we did in
Tracy so that you've had this guidebook
that existed in somewhere and then you
have real life that wasn't matching up
with the documentation so the other
problem is that we didn't know we were
going so if we look at this
we had a team that we had to do her we
had people telling us what to do kind of
and we also knew that at the end of the
project we need to be able to deliver
something that the client could use the
problem was is that there was no defined
end goal which sounds very odd usually
that's something that you would have but
there was this idea that everyone knew
what was going on but no one actually
knew what was going on the problem was
is that they had a checklist of all the
things that they wanted to have done and
we kept saying is this in priority order
and they would say yes but the problem
was is that everything was a priority
was just a matter of it what hit the
spreadsheet first none of it was
actually prioritized by this must happen
all of it must happen and it was a very
very very long list so what was
happening is that we look back at the
beginning all those people who didn't
have an actual defined role all those
people who didn't know whether or not
they had the authority to tell people
what to do or to say hey maybe you
should keep working on that you just did
so what was happening is that the dev
team was constantly pushing out work and
they were giving it to people to look at
and saying is this what you wanted and
depending on who they gave it to you the
person either said yes that's what I
wanted or no can you add a new button or
no can you make this blue or this thing
should be taller over here and so kind
of the dev team being like okay well I
know one said I shouldn't do that so I'm
gonna do that we go spend time on this
and so we spent so many hours working on
stuff that at the end of the day like
nobody cared and it was going to change
anyway and so we went into wasting all
this time that could have been spent
like building actual things for the
project the other problem there was a
lot is how are we going to get to the
end so everyone had an idea of what we
were building but there was no defined
have to get there so going back to the
idea of everything in the checklist is a
priority things were getting handed to
the team in saying who cares go ahead
and build this here go ahead and build
this care go ahead and build this and
the team was picking up tickets and
doing the work it was kind of like
blindfold and carpenters and saying
you'll go in here and build the basement
and then this other person is going to
be over here like painting a window what
there's no way to know what's actually
being built because there's no big
picture there's no way to say like okay
we're building the basement because the
next thing we're gonna do is build a
first floor it was I'm building a
basement and you're doing that so I
think it's a house but I don't know so
it was very confusing and it was really
good tightening because the team never
knew how close we were to the finish
line it was just a matter of being like
well I I think eventually this will look
like something and everyone would be
happy the other problem is that
decisions were being made in
documentation and decisions cannot be
made in documentation unless there's
people associated with it who know that
those decisions are being made and then
they're being documented and where the
documentation actually is so what was
happening is that some people had a big
picture and they were writing it down
and they were updating confluence and
they were relying on confluences
notifications that something had been
updated to inform the rest of the team
that a decision had been made which if
you're familiar with mature confluence
you get a thousand emails
anytime someone does anything you're
never gonna see that documentation
change the other problem is that if
you're writing something down and then
having other people read it and hoping
that they realize is that you get
absolutely no consensus you have one
person two people maybe sitting in a
room saying here's the thing that we're
gonna build and then handing it off to a
tinea and hoping that there's nothing
wrong with what they're putting on paper
and if you've ever worked with the team
like even if you're looking at a design
for the home page you're gonna find 50
things wrong with that you always need
to make sure that you talk to people and
that wasn't happening
the other problem is is that going back
to that idea of prioritization is that
we were so proud we were doing agile
like amazing does agile we are so proud
of you to do this
clients get what they want and the team
was really happy but that was not
actually what was happening we were
taking all of these books what was
happening is that we were getting all
the tickets through the end of the
project were written before we even
started the project which if you've done
a project didn't have the way that's a
huge no-no because things change
in an agile project while you're working
on something you might have been told
hey we really have a contact form but as
you're developing as you're designing
you might be like you know what contact
forms are hugely outdated let's never do
that and then it's gone so there's like
remove from your your cheer installation
so that was what was happening here is
that we had so we do in our juris system
we've got the current sprints the next
sprint and maybe a third follow-up
sprint just kind of help get arms around
like lots of big ticket items but what
was happening is that we had 12 sprints
identified in JIRA and like each of
those Sprint's had like a block of
tickets that are supposed to happen
during each of those and the tickets
have been written by someone who's using
very for me archaic like terminology for
everything and so we would look now 12
sprints in the future and say I don't
know what this ticket is I have no idea
what statistic it is but we're gonna
have to deliver it because that's
apparently what we've committed to so
meanwhile amazing sitting there trying
to say okay well we have 12 sprints we
can make it work we know what Sprint's
are let's let's scare arms around this
and we will keep being agile and this is
fine this is fine this is what was
so needless to say the team was very
stressed out so let's let's recap where
we've already come from so we were
working with a project team there was
eight of them we were delivering
something we had just made it through
the first of three increments of
delivery so something was already being
pushed to production and being used by
people so we made it that far we didn't
fail the first increment um but we were
still doing what we've been doing there
was no real plan we didn't know what
incoming 2 & 3 really looked like we
knew that there was spreadsheets with
words on them and eventually somehow we
were gonna figure out how to do it and
when with the people that we had and
also during this entire thing we had
learned react because we hit sup you
know this thing that you're trying to
build it can be done in Drupal but it
shouldn't be done in Drupal because
there's all these things involved so
let's let's learn react so that we can
build this and react and that you can
have a cool new toy so this picture like
learning a new technology a time box of
this is due in like 9 months from now
and also everything is like low-key on
fire it was not sustainable the whole
team was like look if we're gonna keep
doing this something needs to change and
the good thing is is that the other team
also felt the same way so we did
something as a project manager and
someone who's responsible for the income
of our company absolutely terrifying
we stopped the project we literally
stopped the project in November the the
deliverable is due in April for the
entire month of December an entire month
in the middle of critical parts of our
project we didn't do anything because we
were like you know what we cannot keep
building that that thing Tamar's like
that's just not gonna work this isn't
for anyone we have no idea like what's
coming we need to stop and so what we
did is you brought everyone Austin
so everybody that we were working with
it was all living in a different state
and so everything to be were doing with
them was all done remotely and for the
most part that works fine most of our
clients are not even in Texas but the
problem was is that a lot of the people
that we were working with we made the
assumption coming back to assumptions
but they don't work together before we
found out that the company is so big
that like maybe two of them who had
actually worked together before and so
they didn't actually have a team dynamic
at least in the way that we were
expecting and so they are also low-key
saddening like what is happening I've
never been on at web projects before
like why does it seem like no one knows
what's going on why does it seem like I
don't know what's happening next there
was because it was but they didn't know
that because they hadn't done this a
pillar and so we brought everyone down
to Austin for a two-day and we had a lot
of really great talks and I think the
biggest thing that that made this work
for us was that they wanted the change
and we wanted to change and so everyone
was super open to the idea of saying we
did things one way before and we're
never gonna do that again so we did what
is hugely critical in agile and had a
huge retrospective and this was the
first time that people on this project
on the other side at least had ever
gotten to voice their their sadness so
it was a really good bloodletting
moments where everyone kind of bonded
together and they were like you hate
this - I hate this okay great and we
also had this thing of like if you're
sad about something and you don't
verbalize this is making me sad you
can't be sad about it like you have to
say this is bumming me up I never want
to do this again so that we can say oh
that is bumming you out let's fix that
and this was a huge way of getting that
team together and saying these kinds of
things because they're very corporate
company and that's just not something
that is done and then with our side to
actually have that interaction with
other people and say hey like we're not
perfect we're not trying to tell you
think we're trying to sell you a really
good product that you're happy with but
we also want you to be happy with it
like during the entire process so then
the next thing that we did was everyone
had kumbaya hadn't done all the hubs
around the circle has there we got
everybody on the bus so in my very first
talk about volunteers
I had a analogy about getting everybody
in the boat the same thing this will
just have more magic to it but the idea
is that you want your team to be in sync
you want people to be on the same page
with things you want people to feel
invested in what's happening because
they know what's happening and they feel
like they actually have a role to play
in it and this was it was critical for
us to move forward to say like let's all
agree that this is what we're going to
be doing the first thing that we did is
that we we enforce that building a
website is not like building a house
like people always use this example of
like building website click building a
house if you can decide that you want a
basement and a pool or whatever yeah you
can if you want to refactor and spend a
bunch of money on going back and doing
things that you did before because you
didn't know if there was supposed to be
a pool in the basement so so this is
like my example of you know yeah you've
got two windows but they look like that
because if you would have just told us
that you wanted second-story windows or
they'd have known that you wanted the
second-story we could have built it so
that it looked like a house I'm not just
the combination of weird elements that
do things so once we got that out of the
way we were like let's not like go and
look at it as though something we can
just add on later building a website is
like a road trip you're getting from
point A to point B and you can stop as
many times as you want and you can
change direction as many times as you
want as long as you're ending up at the
place that you want to be you can also
change where you want to be but that
will change the project the other thing
is that when you're doing the road trip
you only have so much money so much gas
and only so much time if you want to go
to Disneyland and like bring your kids
or whatever and you're gonna be there
for two days you cannot do everything in
same thing with a road trip you can do
like five things maybe you might be able
to get to ride the roller coaster three
times but you have to prioritize before
I leave I'm gonna get on that roller
coaster you're three times and spend
five hours in the Sun that's how it's
gonna be
so the same thing with a road trip
whether you can be as fun as you want to
make it but you need to also know like
we're gonna start here we're gonna end
there there's some options but we also
need to be okay saying those options are
not maybe not gonna happen this time
with maybe we'll do a road trip in two
years so so going back to the vacation
analogy like this road trip thing is
very critical for like making decisions
in your everyday life like you can NVP
and everything like I can then BP my
grocery store like you go there and
you're like I don't want to stay in line
so I'm gonna make sure that whatever I
do gets me into the 15 or less like I'm
gonna go do this this and this I can get
past it next week
there's different ways you can just be
like it's not important like let's be
okay dropping Tania's off the balloon we
also defined who's driving we went
around and we were like okay
who wants to do this who's doing this
who's doing this other thing and then we
also brought the correct person or
people into the PIO role so it was very
apparent to us three months into the
project that we had picked the wrong
person to tell us he has to know two
things there was actually two people and
they were working in tandem for the
business to provide different sides
business logic and such to what we were
actually delivering and we didn't
realize how critical their role was
until we were waiting for sign off on
something and then they were and then we
heard like it's gonna be like two or
three weeks because they're on vacation
who's on vacation what oh the person
who's actually saying yes or no is not
part of this and so we had a
conversation that was like what is it
that you're building us I said you don't
know what we're building because we had
this middle person that was translating
what we were doing to the to the P the
visionaries who were the people who were
ultimately responsible for this
happening so there's this huge breakdown
of we thought the visionaries are being
informed this thing so we thought that
they were being informed of things and
like you would tell someone who was
interested like oh we're working on this
right now
okay how's that going what actually was
was the date hunt specific list of
things that they needed to have
accomplished they weren't getting that
list communicated anywhere and so they
were sitting in a room building like a
very beautiful mind situation that had
like stickies to the wall being like I
want this this and this and none of that
was being communicated to our Austin
office and so when we brought them into
Moonie brought them down dog
toss him we actually like basically had
everyone else shut up and we put the
visionaries in the front of the room and
we were like these next three hours of
yours tell us what you actually want
this project to be and they were floor
they were to them they hadn't even
occurred to them they had this critical
role also to their team what their team
didn't ever look at them and say like
you have this very critical role to the
success of the project
we need to give you like the respect
that that position deserves and put him
in front of the room and giving on this
platform was so critical to taking that
giant list of things and throwing it out
the window
we went from a list of probably 30 items
down to 12 all we had to do was just get
the right person like in front of people
and saying this is what I actually want
you to build for me so the other really
good thing about this is that it helps
everyone figure out what the role is
going to be in in one team unit rather
than just two teams who happen to be
showing bust together and so I look at
it as like you know you've got a soccer
team like not everyone can play goalie
so what are the roles that we're going
to be doing so that everything is kind
of filled and this this sit-down that we
had helped define all of those different
things so we knew that for example when
we're doing a ticket that's based on
design this person this person and this
person all have to see that ticket they
all have to sign off on it and in this
order they took our definition of done
in our tickets and it doubled it but it
made it so much clearer like what
happens to this ticket how does this
ticket make it out the door
the other thing that we did is we
figured out where we're going so we knew
what those 12 items were gonna be and we
also knew who could change that so now
that we have these two visionaries
identified we say here's the 12 things
that we're gonna do if we get to a
situation where we're like you know I
don't need that anymore or we get to a
situation we were like we need to go an
idiot rupees and if we don't have any
roofies this project is going to fail
like they're the people who can say
I'll make shame I'll shave things off
the MVP list to make this happen so now
we had a an actual point of contact who
could say yes no we also define where
we're not going we just find that we
were not going to be doing and that was
also hugely important because you have
have their own agenda of what they think
is critical for delivery and so when the
visionaries are sitting I'm saying you
know we don't need this then everyone's
aware of the fact that the visionaries
don't want it and so they don't have to
fight for it anymore and that they also
like if they actually wanted it for some
other reason they'll need to actually
sing words and say well it would be
really cool if we did this and then give
the visionaries a chance to say yeah
that's not our problem give it to
another project team for something else
to get delivered so it was really good
for their side to say like to make to
bubble up all of these potential
scenarios so that there was no-one
harboring a like secret thing that I'm
going to get accomplished through this
project which actually was the thing the
other thing I'm huge on verbalizing
decisions changes whatever and I hate
this phrase because it sounds like a
tour guide but it's so good like if
you're on a call like people tend to
like be on their laptops or they're you
know looking at email or whatever and so
you don't know if they're actually
listening even though they're physical
cousin and so what I do after any
decision is I say you know I just wrote
this thing down shares me sharing my
screen of this thing that I just wrote
down when I see heads nodding they agree
with this who don't like it you like it
okay we're moving on and that's like one
chance to say like I saw what you did
I'm an either agreeing or I'm not
agreeing but it's going back to this
thing about the retrospective if you
don't say anything your opinion doesn't
happen and this actually needs changed
how people look at the project who have
been attending the way that if you would
have watched the rooms like the video
calls you would have seen you know six
people on this side and six people on
this side most of whom are like checking
Facebook email whatever not paying
attention and just thinking of that
meeting as a huge waste of time but if
you look at the calls now people are
active because they know that if they're
not paying attention and they're saying
like passes them behind they don't get
to go back it really changed the dynamic
of these cubbies calls the other thing
is that we got into the specifics so we
had this the twelve lists of MVP items
and for us like we would assume that
when you want you know this thing
delivered that you all are on the same
page of what that actually means we
found out there was three items no one
agreed oh and so the idea that like
we're gonna deliver a home page for
example like some person thought that
like a home page was like a landing page
for a marketing campaign completely
different than what another person
thought it was going to be so we
actually got into the specifics of if
you want this deliver if you tell me
exactly what you think this is going to
be and what you want to have in it and
from that we were able to say okay you
want to have this thing delivered
normally when that thing gets delivered
it has XYZ components and if you get Z
component implemented that's gonna be
really expensive and probably like kick
one of your MVP items off do you still
want it and they actually got to go and
say oh I didn't realize everything to be
so complicated let's ditch that there's
no reason for that that's what we had
you know the last website we just
thought it was something that we needed
to carry through once they kind of
realized that that you know they're
twelve items were negotiable they
started getting into it and they were
like okay I get this is like
barter anything all right let's exchange
this and this and this and then once we
had our twelve done we were able to
actually pull from the remaining 30 and
like pull things from it and say okay we
have room now let's go ahead listen and
I started feeling empowered of what was
actually going to be built rather than
these like helpless people watching in
the bus go past the other thing is that
they were having meetings on their side
where things were being defined and that
wasn't being relayed back to us kind of
that idea of like you know they would
have a decision and they would build a
documentation they thought that if they
had been in a meeting that everyone had
just sort of osmosis the information but
what we learned like what we shared this
is that you know if you know it make
sure that the guy next to you knows it
it's not redundant if he doesn't know it
like make sure that you say it once and
you say it to the right people otherwise
we're gonna die in meetings like do it
want to do it right and then it's over
so now that were you know working
together we had to do we had to do
things that that a family would have to
do after they've been merged so we got
into everyday life rhythm one of those
things you can try this tonight at the
party was learning to speak the same
language so we all speak English as our
as our project language but you would
think that two teams who do agile say
the same thing we found out very quickly
that that's not the case for example we
use sprint to say two-week periods where
we produce work and give you ticket they
use time box that's I'm like it's not
like a you know huge difference but
that's one of many different different
uses of words that that can easily
derail progress another thing is like if
you're gonna say implement this what
does that mean does it mean build it
does it mean deem it what does it mean
so we learned to start breaking down
words the basic we similar start writing
down ideas into like the simplest words
to make sure that anybody who picked up
tickets would know exactly
what was going on to be able to agree
disagree in to say the same thing so win
from the idea of you know us versus them
to let's figure out how we can actually
work together and make the most out of
this as a result we learn how to share
which doesn't sound like a thing when
you're adults it's a huge thing when
you're adults and you're very
territorial of your like area of
expertise specifically me and my PMS we
learn how to work together we learn how
to say we would meet before meetings and
say hey we're going talk about this
where we talk about this we're gonna
talk about this who's gonna be in charge
who's leading us who's taking notes
because so that when we went in and we
had a united front with both teams and
we also knew like you were responsible
for this going forward I'm responsible
for this going for each person within
the PM group had their role we also
learned that we were not always going to
get our way and because everyone was
also not going to get their way it made
it a lot easier to move forward and say
your deployment sucks it makes me super
unhappy I'm gonna spend 17 hours with
merge conflicts and it's gonna like ruin
the productivity of this sprint but
that's the way it's going to be like
it's not gonna change cuz this make you
be sad so we learned how to deal with it
we still cry a little bit but it's
something that we internalize and said
you know what it's fine like out of all
the things that went wrong on the
project then they're going well now I
can take this for the team I can do that
the other thing is that you know when
we're when you're dealing with a big
company who wants something delivered
the easiest way to deliver something
sometimes is the way you want to deliver
it but then they've got business logic
that because of X Y & Z you have to do
this other complicated
things five other steps blah blah blah
not your way of doing it but you're
gonna do it and you're gonna like it
some of the things that you will not be
able to change like you're always gonna
have to deal with the Saturday morning
bike rides even though you wanna sleep
in the other thing and this is for me is
the biggest thing is that planning is
now with group activity so instead of
two people going and locking themselves
in a room and then delivering you know
from the mountain these two scrolls
they're supposed to follow it's now
literally a Productivity where all the
people from their side who need to be
involved who can veto things who can
provide input who can say like no you
need to use these parameters instead of
these parameters they're all in the room
when we're talking about what needs to
get built next they're all in the room
when were reviewing tickets and they're
all in the room when we say okay we're
gonna take these seven tickets we're
gonna do these you guys agree with what
these say you can read them there's no
where questions you like that okay make
sure that you add your comments now so
that we can pull them into our next
screen and so I add everything the time
with any given time during a sprint like
you know exactly what's going on you
know exactly what's coming down the pike
and you also know that it's your ticket
that like you're very wanting to have
done this spring isn't gonna get done
you know or you have an idea of like
maybe it's the next one or maybe it's
the next one you don't have to worry
that your tickets gonna die somewhere
because it did get attention and so the
best part of this is that everyone knows
what's going on with the project like
almost to the point where they're like
Stephanie stop telling us what's going
on no but everyone knows what's going on
because we do so there's a thing in
public speaking where you have to tell
them what you're gonna tell them you
tell them and then you tell them what
you told them constantly what we do we
meet we say here's the sprint that we're
in and here's what we're working on
here's this book that we're going to be
doing everybody okay with that here's
the stuff that we just did like that
whole thing of you know planning take a
prioritization and then take a testing
and demo like they they see the ticket
at three points in the lifecycle they
see it being developed they see it being
worked on and then they
being actually tested and demoed to them
so there's there's never a chance for a
ticket to just suddenly appear finished
or push to production that no one
actually saw and so the big thing about
this is that is that at any given time
everyone on your team is informed
everyone on your team is empowered and
everyone on your team feels like they
actually can control the destiny of the
project because they're informed enough
to say like I see a problem I'm gonna
say something about the core I don't
need to worry about this because I know
that so-and-so has it taken care of and
the reason that we're able to do this is
that we go back to that that add a
little theory of you know you fail fast
and you fail often if you think
something's gonna work try it it might
not work like we've already learned a
couple things that we went on being my
brief we've got this and then being like
okay maybe we don't we should rethink
how you want to do that but the idea
that you want to be better you want to
be better as a group and you want to
deliver a really cool product like you
can't do that if there's something
visibly wrong like if you're riding a
bike and there's like a sound happening
like you want to see what that sound is
and fix it if it's a problem same thing
with the team like if it's a problem now
it's not gonna just suddenly be better
or later you have to address whatever
that thing is
that's fucking up your life and that's
what's working for us is that you know
we're not perfect now but we're so much
better than we were two months ago if
you would have asked me you know when I
first did this presentation I was
actively salty but swear that title came
from but now I'm looking at this and I'm
like this feels like it's wrong because
I don't feel this way anymore like we've
changed so much we've come so far and
where we are now like we're working on
the team and we know like we know that
like the project is going to happen the
product is launching in like three or
four weeks and we're not worried about
it because we know exactly what's left
how it's gonna happen who's gonna do it
we know all the weird like risks that
are happening at the end we're still
waiting on English translations but we
know that that's what we're waiting on
we have this idea that like behind some
corner there's this giant monster
something that yet undefined and they're
going to be thrown at us in the last
minute if we've talked to death about
this project we know that like it's in
good it's in a good place the other
thing is that because we're not having
people come in and say hey I need you to
spend time on this hey I don't like the
way that this looks because people have
learned how to MVP a ticket we're not
work we spent like 200 less hours in one
month than we had in a previous month
and we've actually delivered more
valuable stuff at the end because we're
not spinning our wheels developing stuff
that no one's even going to notice no
one's going to notice like three pixels
off and if you do we'll fix it later
questions yeah all tickets
but are there ever tickets that you do
right because you know they need to
happen that you know how do you how do
you work in a very dynamic way that's
still ensure that your main goals yeah
so it comes back to that thing I'd like
you don't want to find out that you need
a second story like you know halfway
through the project so when we do that
like twelve lists of stuff this is how I
use JIRA I create epics out of those and
then I kind of use those to track so
like we know and there's gonna be this
we know there's going to be that but we
don't know exactly what that's gonna
look like what we will do sometimes is
we'll have like one of the things that
was really important to our project is
that we knew that everything had to
follow UX and so what we would do is we
would say you know in Syria for Sprint's
we're gonna try and get started on blah
so let's figure out what needs to go
into that blah and we'll have UX get
started on it so that there's like a
path like a scout out there you know
figuring out what it is that's gonna
look like and so that gives us like no
surprises we know that this thing is
going to happen we don't know exactly
specifically what's going to happen in
it but we have an idea that something is
coming so that it's not a surprise
so I think through that process you kind
of describe a lot of risk live saying
something was an issue and then you kind
of work to resolve it other than having
a lot of experience I didn't find such a
like okay in the next project I'm going
to have to do this thing in that very
beginning early
yeah um yes there are certain things
that we look at and we say like let's
never do that again but we are so are
also of the the mode of thinking that
like if you ever get a contract that had
like a thousand different clauses in it
we never want to be the kind of company
that does that we don't want to go in
and say we fear all of these things
potentially happening let's try to get
ahead of them the most that you can do
for us at least is as you can go in with
your like best intentions like now we
know like do not go in and assume that
they know what pio means now we know
that that's a huge blocker but like now
we know also that we want to spend more
than one day doing it on site now we
really want to spend it depending on
what the product is we want to go in and
and like ask people like how the dynamic
of their organization works in the
actual way like I don't want to see a
bar chart and why you tell me like how
these things work I think a lot of it is
you have to ask questions and keep
asking questions
yeah that question of like
realizing somebody was
so ya know it's gonna hit her gonna be
gone and if they everybody points to
somebody else yeah we didn't even think
about that like we had we had said at
the beginning like well let's have a
shared calendar of four when people go
on vacation what we didn't actually come
up with a contingency plan yeah so so
you go back to my my first presentation
that is not here for you guys to look at
for reference but I originally used like
started doing your book on and so I'm
super familiar with the importance of
having our roles and responsibilities
like book I would do it that way rather
than array.c because they're racy so
like it's it's so cold and like it's
really hard to actually like it there's
with races you tend to get like a title
versus a role which doesn't tell you
what the role actually does and so what
I like to do is say like okay if we have
what we do as we do the review process
so like so in its in the lifecycle of a
ticket here's what's gonna happen
at this stage who needs to see it write
that down
at this stage who needs to see it write
that down at this stage who can block
this from happening write that down and
use read but like it's you need to
figure out like and that's where we got
our definition of done from was you know
we learned when we had a ticket the
developers will write the ticket when
the developers are done writing the
ticket we're gonna review it with the
entire team including the project team
and they have the responsibility of
saying if you implement it like this
we're not going to accept it if you
implement it like this we will accept it
you need to make sure that it includes
this this and this this needs to be hard
coded block once it was passed them the
visionaries got to say do it or don't do
it because the visionaries
can make the decision to do it or not do
it if like all that informations not
provided so the decision so this
decision whether or not that ticket dies
or goes into the backlog which is where
guys or moves forward is like that's
what needs to happen and then once that
is defined then it goes into the
priority of the priority order from the
priority order it gets built once it's
being built like depending on its design
implications or not it goes to the UX
person on their side we'll give it like
a design review extra view or whatever
then it'll go to our designer he'll look
at it he'll look at different things and
she would look at it and then from there
it goes back to us for browser testing
and then it goes back to that goes to
our team for code review then they get a
PR into their big bucket so that their
IT guy can look at it and do the code
review for their side and then it goes
to their business analyst who looks at
it and make sure that doesn't thing was
like for a business perspective that it
needs to do and then it goes to the
visionary and then went to some of the
visionaries that gets pushed to
production but that's the lifecycle of
one ticket but because we have that like
here's what needs to happen we figured
out like who could block at all of those
different places like we found out that
if it touches finance it will leaves the
project team it goes way to finance man
we would not have known that have we not
put it in the context of a ticket
mmm-hmm cool