Friday, March 22, 2024, 9 AM to 5 PM
Contribution Day at MidCamp is an opportunity to get-together to focus on in-depth topics and work on projects.
Contribution efforts are an important part of Drupal's growth and are also a great opportunity to get involved because others are on hand to help you contribute. Come and collaborate with other Drupal community members!
- Coffee (and other morning beverages)!
- Contrib in room 314! Reach out on Slack if you'd like to lead an initiative.
- Lunch (provided)
- Evening: Community-led social TBD.
Who Should Come?
If you are interested in contributing to Drupal core or contributed projects, this is your chance. You don't need to be a developer to contribute; we need project managers, bug reporters, QA testers, people to help write documentation, etc. If you are a developer, but not sure where to get started, we have mentors to show you the ropes.
If you feel new and would love helping hands, the best day to start is the Friday contribution day. This is the biggest day for contributing with many people collaborating, and different opportunities based on experience level.
If you know the tools but still could use help picking issues and going through the process, we will have experienced contributors there to help newer folks.
Specific details below.
What Topics Will We Focus On?
There will be a general contribution space as well as rooms for selected initiatives.
General Contributions
Come by and use this space for co-working and collaboration.
Slack Channel: #contributions
Below are the contribution initiatives we will focus on at MidCamp. If you are attending camp and want to lead an initiative not listed below, shoot us an email and we will announce it here.
- Group Module MR Review - lead by Jane Irwin
- An attendee has a client that needed the functionality of the Group Menu and Group Webform module, but neither was compatible with Drupal 10 and Groups 3.0. Both modules have MRs awaiting RTBC (Group Menu MR, Group Webform MR) and assistance with review would be greatly appreciated.
- "Easy" Upgrade Tools - lead by Irina Zaks
- Provide tutorials and demos for “easy” upgrade tools for site builders, review issues/MRs for modules that support migrations off D7
- “D2B One-click upgrade” to BackdropCMS
- Feeds module (in beta now, targeting stable release June 2023)
- Migrated Plus Feeds module (in development now, targeting alpha in 2023)
- Provide tutorials and demos for “easy” upgrade tools for site builders, review issues/MRs for modules that support migrations off D7
- API Client - lead by Brian Perry
- Funded by Pitch-burgh, The Drupal API Client is a set of JavaScript packages that simplify the process of interacting with common Drupal APIs. At MidCamp we'll be finalizing the 1.0 release of @drupal-api-client/json-api-client and also looking for hands on feedback.
- Recipes - lead by Mark Casias (markie)
- The approach is to create a new feature in Drupal called a “recipe” that can be installed at any point in the lifecycle of a Drupal application. This includes during installation through the Project Browser, which overlaps with the selection of distributions in a Drupal application.
- Search Web Components - Lead by Kyle Einecker (ctrlADel)
- The Search Web Components module aims to make creating rich search experiences easy. by providing a library of search web components. To do this the module builds on top of the endpoints provided by Decoupled Search API.