2250 N Sheffield Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
United States
Check out our in-depth photo walkthrough of the building.
We are committed to making MidCamp accessible for everyone who attends. Please contact us with any specific accessibility concerns. Here are a few of the features of the venue and camp:
- Mother’s room on the first floor of the venue.
- Wellness/Quiet room
- Accessible bathrooms available on the second floor.
- Two Elevators leading directly to conference enterance
- Brailled room signs (hallway signs do not have braille)
- Walking lanes
- Accessible by Public Transportation. Closest Red/Brown/Purple line stop is Fullerton
- Organizers are leaders in the Drupal community for putting on Human centered events.
General Navigation
All floors are wheelchair accessible with elevators available on the north end of the building. The entrances to each room have clear signage with braille.
All sessions take place on the third floor. The two staircases in the middle of the building only grant access to the second level. Staircases to all three levels are available on the east and west ends of the building.
Bathrooms are available on the east and west ends of second and third floor. They are on the east end of the first floor. The only accessible bathrooms are on the east end of of the second floor (to the left when exiting the elevators).
Getting to the venue
DePaul University Student Center is located at 2250 N Sheffield. We have detailed instructions for getting there by plane, train, automobile, and bicycle.