Wednesday, March 24: Get Started with Drupal. We'll have a morning of sessions to introduce attendees to Drupal and workshops in the afternoon to get you prepared for the rest of camp.
Thursday, March 25: Meet the Drupal Community. After learning about Drupal and the Community, attendees will enjoy a day of lightly structured activities to decompress, have fun, and have some human time. Submit your activity proposal now, or see what's been submitted!
Friday, March 26: Share Your Knowledge. Instead of formal sessions, we’ll do Drupally things in a one-day Unconference format. If you’re unfamiliar with the format, read about organizing and attending. Submit a topic for discussion or see what's been submitted.
Saturday, March 27: Give Back to the Project. Our traditional Contribution Day day to give back to the Drupal project. All experience levels are welcome, and you might even get your first core commit!